- A Functional Transform for Feynman Integrals Similar to the Fourier Transform M.D.Brue
- Michigan Math.J. v.23 An L₂Analytic Fourier-Feynman Transform R.H.Cameron;D.A.Storvick
- Lecture Notes in Math. v.798 Some Banach Algebras of Analytic Feynman Integrable Functionals, Analytic Functions (Kozubnik, 1979)
- Mem.Amer.Math.Soc. v.46 A Simple Definition of the Feynman Integral, with applications
- J.Korean Math.Soc. v.19 Scale-invariant Measurabillity in Yeh-Wiener Space K.S.Chang
- J.Korean Math.Soc. v.24 Functions in the Banach Algebra S(v) K.S.Chang;G.W.Johnson;D.L.Skoug
- J.Korean Math.Soc. v.30 A Class of Conditional Wiener Integrals S.J.Chang;D.M.Chung
- Michigan Math.J. v.40 Generalized Feynman Integrals via Conditional Feynman Integrals D.M.Chung;C.Park;D.L.Skoug
- SIAM J.Math.Anal. v.20 Conditional Analytic Feynman Integrals and a Related Schrodinger Integral Equation D.M.Chung;D.L.Skoug
- Trans.Amer.Math.Soc. v.347 Analytic Fourier-Feynman Transforms and Convolution T.Huffman;C.Park;D.Skoug
- Rocky Mountain Math.J. v.27 Convolution and Fourier-Feynman Transforms
- Michigan Math.J. v.43 Convolution and Fourier-Feynman Transforms of Functionals Involving Multiple Integrals
- Internat.J.Math. and Math.Sci. v.20 Generalized Transforms and Convolutions
- Michigan Math.J. v.26 An Lp Analytic Fourier-Feynman Transform G.W.Johnson;D.L.Skoug
- Pacific J.Math. v.83 Scale-invariant Measurability in Wiener Space
- Pacific J.Math. v.105 Notes on the Feynman Integral, Ⅲ
- Pacific J.Math. v.135 A Simple Fomula for Conditional Wiener Integrals with Applications C.Park;D.Skoug
- Journal of Integral Equations and Applications v.3 A Kac-Feynman Integral Equation for Conditional Wiener Integrals
- Nagoya Math.J. v.110 The Feynman Integral of Quadratic Potentials Depending on n time Parameters
- Math. v.4 Transformations in Wiener Space and Squares of Quantum Fields I.Segal
- Proceedings of the International Conference The Analytic Feynman Integral, Dirichlet Forms and Stochastic Processes D.A.Storvick
- Pacific J.Math. v.59 Inversion of Conditional Wiener Integrals J.Yeh