- Sobolev spaces R.Adams
- Numer. Math. v.36 Finite dimensional approximation of nonlinear problems. Part Ⅰ: Branches of nonsingular solutions F. Brezzi;J. Rappaz;P.A. Raviart
- J. Functional Analysis v.104 Structure of shape derivatives for non-smooth domains M. Delfour;J. Zolesio
- SIAM J. Control and Optim. v.24 Necessary conditions for a domain optimization problem in elliptic boundary value problems N. Fujii
- Finite element methods for Navier-Stokes equations: Theory and algorithms V. Girault;P.A. Raviart
- SIAM J. Numerical Analysis v.29 Treating inhomogeneous essential boundary conditions in finite element methods and the calculation of boundary stresses M. Gunzburger;L. Hou
- SIAM J. Cotrol Optim v.36 Existence of an optimal solution of a shpae control problem for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations M. Gunzburger;H. Kim
- Kangweon-Kyungki Math. J. v.4 Penalized Navier-Stokes equations with inhomogeneous boundary conditions Hongchul Kim
- Optimal shape design for elliptic systems O. Pironneau
- Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences v.125 Optimisation d'un systeme surfacique In: Control of Boundaries and Stabilization B. Rousselet
- Introduction to shape optimizations: Shape sensitivity analysis J. Sokolowski;J. P. Zolesio
- Navier-Stokes equations and nonlinear founctional analysis R. Temam
- Optimization of Distributed Parameter Structures The material derivative (or speed) method for shape optimization J. Zolesio;E. Haug(ed.);J. Cea(ed.)