Assessment of Reynolds Stress Turbulence Closures in the Calculation of a Transonic Separated Flow

  • 발행 : 2001.07.01


In this study, the performances of various turbulence closure models are evaluated in the calculation of a transonic flow over axisymmetric bump. k-$\varepsilon$, explicit algebraic stress, and two Reynolds stress models, i.e., GL model proposed by Gibson & Launder and SSG model proposed by Speziale, Sarkar and Gatski, are chosen as turbulence closure models. SSG Reynolds stress model gives best predictions for pressure coefficients and the location of shock. The results with GL model also show quite accurate prediction of pressure coefficients down-stream of shock wave. However, in the predictions of mean velocities and turbulent stresses, the results are not so satisfactory as in the prediction of pressure coefficients.



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