초음파 모터의 응용분야

  • Published : 2001.06.01




  1. IEEE Transactrions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control v.42 no.2 Modeling of a Piezoelectric Rotary Ultrasonic Motor Hagood,N.W.;McFarland,A.J.
  2. SPIE Paper no. 2190, Smart Structures and Materials 1994: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems,SPIE Proc. Modeling of a Piezoelectric Rotary ultrasonic Motor Hagood,N.W.;McFarland,A.J.;Nesbitt Hagood(ed.)
  3. An Introduction to Ultrasonic Motors Toshiiku Sashida;Takashi Kenjo
  4. Ultrasonic Motors : Theory and Application Ueha,S.;Tomikawa,Y.
  5. S.M.Thesis, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, M.I.T. Development of a Rotary Ultrasonic Motor for Spacecraft Applications McFarland,A.J.
  6. 한국과학재단 보고서(961-0916-078-1) The Study of compensation on Temperature of Ultras onic Motor with Robot Actuator by Fuzzy controller In Su Cha
  7. IECON'95 A Study on the Design and Characteristic of the High Frequency Resonant Inverter of ultrasonic Motor Driver Using Fuzzy Controller In Su Cha;Hea Am Park(et al.)
  8. 屈曲進行波型超音波 モタの驅動特性と制御に開すろ硏究 古家伸一