블록펄스함수 전개를 이용한 Descriptor 시스템의 대수적 관측기 설계

Algebraic Observer Design for Descriptor Systems via Block-pulse Function Expansions

  • 안비오 ((주)마이다스코리아 부설기술소장·공박)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.01


In the last two decades, many researchers proposed various usages of the orthogonal functions such as Walsh, Haar and BPF to solve the system analysis, optimal control, and identification problems from and algebraic form. In this paper, a simple procedure to design and algerbraic observer for the descriptor system is presented by using block pulse function expansions. The main characteristic of this technique is that it converts differential observer equation into an algerbraic equation. And furthermore, a simple recursive algorithm is proposed to obtain BPFs coefficients of the observer equation.



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