동대문시장 이용자의 의복구매유형과 구매행동

Clothing Purchase Behaviors of Patrons of Dongdaemun Market

  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the differences in clothing purchase behaviors among the patrons of Dongdaemun market grouped by clothing shopping orientation. A self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted among 600 men and women from ages 15-29 from August 9 to September 12, 1999; 548 were used for the data analysis. Based on the clothing buying orientation, the consumers of Dongdaemun market were divided into four groups: plan circumspected, economy-oriented, fashion-oriented and shopping-oriented. These groups showed significant differences in the selected criteria used for clothing purchase, the amount of money and time spent for shopping. The groups were also significantly different in the usage rate and perceived of the market, and the satisfaction levels with the shopping environments and services of the Dongdaemun Market. With regards to the satisfaction levels, they were showed significant different in the diversity and fashion statement of products, business hours, and advertisement/sales promotion in order. The fashion-oriented group was the highest satisfaction level about the four variables among groups.



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