A Study on the Traditional Wedding Costume of East Slav (XIX~Early XX Century)

19세기~20세기 초 동 슬라브 민족 전통혼례복의 고찰

  • 최수빈 (인하대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과) ;
  • 조우현 (인하대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과)
  • Published : 2001.02.01


The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of costume and its ornaments which are appeared in the traditional wedding ceremonial customs and the wedding costumes of Eastern Slav, that is consisted of Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian from the 19 to the early of 20C. In this study, many different procedures of wedding ceremony with a various kind of wedding costumes are shown. A wedding custom of Eastern Slav had been developed by a intermixed style of the Christianism and a paganism. The wedding custom is organized by the 3 sequential procedures; before a wedding, a wedding, after a wedding Their wedding means the union of the bride into the bridegrooms family in order to establish a new family. Therefore, the wedding costumes have been developed according to this, and the head gears have developed as a symbol which presents the meaning. A brides costume is composed of a head gear, \"Lubaha\", and \"Sarafan\" or a skirt. A bridegrooms one is made up of \"Lubaha\", and trousers. These costumes are kept through their whole life, and are worn in every important ceremonial period. Even though, the wedding customs and the wedding costumes of Russia, Belarus, and Ukrain have been developed by their general commonness, there are regionally certain differences. It is one of the important research object of the Eurasian era in the view point of culture and ethnographic, that to know the symbolism appeared in the traditional weeding ceremonial customs and the wedding costumes of Eastern Slav.ding costumes of Eastern Slav.



  1. 복식 v.50 東슬라브민족의 여성 頭飾에 관한 硏究-未婚女, 旣婚女 中心으로- 최수빈;조우현
  2. Headgears of easters slavics, mongolians and koreans: mutual interactions and influences Choi Su-Bin
  3. Москова, Наука Русски
  4. Weeding custom//Russian Makashna T.S.
  5. A Historical Introdution to russian folk Literature and Arts Buslaef F.I.
  6. Family & Russian Fami1y's Custom/custom & Art of Russian residents of East Siberia Lebejeva A.A.
  7. Marriage & Family of Russian(12-early20C.)//Russian Vlasova I. V.
  8. Marriage & Family of Russian(12-early20C.)//Russian Vlasova I. V.
  9. 인하대학교 생활과학연구소 논문집 v.5 東슬라브, 蒙古, 韓國人의 頭飾의 比較 硏究-微婚女, 旣婚女 中心으로- 최수빈;박찬부
  10. 복식 v.50 東슬라브민족의 女性 頭飾에 관한 硏究-微婚女, 旣婚女 中心으로- 최수빈;조우현
  11. National Costume for Traditional Custom of East-Slav in XIX-the Early XX Masloba G.S.
  12. National Costume for Traditional Custom of East-Slav in XIX-the Early XX Masloba G.S.
  13. 스카프형 관모
  14. Material for Study to Custom & Language of Russian in North-West Border Shein P.B.
  15. About Weeding Custom of in particular russian Sumchof N.F.
  16. Belarusian weeding ceremony in culture-religion heritage v.1~2 Japolsky M.P.
  17. The oigin & history of belarusian weeding customs Nicolcky N.M.
  18. National Costume for Traditional Custom of East-Slav in XIX-the Early XX Masloba G.
  19. About one group of bolgod's headgears Molotoba L.N.
  20. 수건형 관모나 쁠라톡
  21. 방의 한모서리
  22. 러시아식 난방 및 취사용 벽난로
  23. Ethnographic particularity of Ukrainian v.2 Bolokof F.
  24. Ethnography relation Ukrain & Belarus in Polessia Pashkoba G.T.
  25. Women's headgears of east slav v.2 Jelenin D.K.
  26. Meaning of socery in hear & headgear for weeding custom of east slav no.5-6 Gagen-Torn N.I.
  27. Poem of race costume Merchaloba M.N.
  28. Clothing of ceremony of east slav in the collection of ethnographic museum of USSR Shangina I.I.
  29. Белорусская свадьба в культурно-религиозных пережитках no.1-2 Заполъский м. п.
  30. Одежда ижор и води no.1-2 Прыткова. н. ф.
  31. Народная одежда в восточнславянски традиционных и обрядах XIX-начала XXв.м. Маслова Г.С.
  32. Белорусская свадьба в культурно-религиозных пережитках no.1-2 Заполъский м. п.
  33. Народная одежда в восточнславянски традиционных и обрядах XIX-начала XXв. Г.С. Маслова