본 연구에서는 아파트에 시설되어 있는 동력설비들의 운전실태를 측정하고 분석하여 동력변압기 최적용량산출을 위한 동력부하의 종합수용률을 제시하였다. 측정결과 설비별 수용률은 급수동력부하는 47[%]로 분석되었으며 변압기를 효율적으로 운전하기 위해서는 동력부하의 종합 수용률을 현재의 52[%]에서 42[%]로 변경하는것이 적절한 것으로 분석되었다.
To establish the optimized capacity of power transformer, this paper proposed the total demand factor of power supply facility. For this purpose, it was measured and analysed the operating pattern of power supply acility Installed in the apartment. As a result, it is found that the demand factor of each facility is following that : i) In case of [Xlwer water suwly facility ; 47[%], ii) In case of waste water facility ; 44[%]. Also, it was analysed that the optimized total demand factor of power load is proper 42[%1 than 52[%] to lead the efficiency operation.ration.