국립공원 탐방객의 등산로 선택모형 -계룡산 국립공원을 중심으로-

A Choice Model of Visitor's at National Park in the Case of Mt. Kyeryong

  • 발행 : 2001.04.01


This study investigates how motivations, preferences, and past experiences vary by each hikers trail choice at the Mt.Keyryong National Park. The purpose of this study is to find out the factors influencing behavioral choice in the recreation areas, and establish the fundamental theory for the efficient management of the resource and visitors. For this study, we have collected 472 respondents by on-site self-administrated questionnaire from the hikers in the park. The collected data were analyzed by the descriptive statistics and the discriminant analysis. The motivations variable of hiking participation on mountain trail were categorized three types; close-nature, escapism, and physical improvement. The preferences for trail environment were classified as four categories by factor analysis; preference for nature, safety, use density, and facilities. In descriptive statistics, the study showed that the experienced hikers prefer natural trials and hikers who have preference for close-nature select longer and deeper forest trails. The results of discriminant analysis indicate that the level of past experience is the most affectable in classification of trail choice. Such variables as motivation for close-nature and preference for nature were also appeared as affecting factors on classification of trail choice. Two discriminant functions were available, and 90.5 percent of analysis sample were correctly classified. In the validity analysis, 89 percent of holdout sample were correctly classified. These hit ratios ensures an accuracy by Press Q test. The result of this study is to be useful knowledge of the choice of detailed use environments in the same recreation areas.



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