옥상녹화 후 인공토양의 이화학적 특성 변화

Changes in the Physiochemical Characteristics of Artificial Soil after Rooftop Planting

  • 안원용 (성균관대학교 대학원 조경학과) ;
  • 김동엽 (성균관대학교 조경학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.02.01


The purpose of this study is to provide the fundamental material and information for the plant maintenance after rooftop planting through physiochemical characteristics. The characteristics of artificial soils after rooftop planting from 1993 to 1999 was investigated. Fourteen investigation areas were selected from 4 cities(2 areas selected by each year). The analysis of the circumstances of the areas, the physical characteristics, and the chemical characteristics of the soil were conducted. The artificial soil pH ranged 5.26∼7.40 showing that after construction the soil pH tended to decrease. The soil bulk density of the site was lowest in 1999, 0.15g/㎤, and used to increase toward 1993. We found the fact that the soil bulk density increased gradually after rooftop application . The coefficients of permeability of the soils range from 0.016 to 0.052 cm/sec, which seemed to be in good permeability level. The artificial soils had relatively high water moisture capacity of 62.69∼71.36%. The soil organic matter content of the artificial soils ranged from 0.43 to 1.34%. The exchangeable caution concentration in the artificial soil ranged, Na, 2.36∼4.71mg·{TEX}$kg^{-1}${/TEX}, Mg 0.88∼2.84mg·{TEX}$kg^{-1}${/TEX},K 2.97∼9.61 mg·{TEX}$kg^{-1}${/TEX}, and Ca 9.39∼28.23 mg·{TEX}$kg^{-1}${/TEX}. The amount of total N ranged from 0.003 to 0.286% in study sites. Soil chemical properties varied year to year and showed little tend. The research results showed that some characteristics of the artificial soil were changed after rooftop planting, i.e., soil pH and soil bulk density. Soil bulk density had a negative relationship with the coefficient of permeability, showing that the drainage condition might be limited after some period. This study suggests that a diversity of the research in the changes of the plant growth basis on the areas after construction.



  1. 기상월보 기상청
  2. 조경식재설계론 김귀곤(외 16인 저)
  3. 토양화학분석법 농업기술연구소
  4. 옥상녹화연구회 2000년 심포지움 옥상녹화의 현재와 미래 옥상녹화연구회
  5. 조경수목학 윤국병
  6. 인공토양 파라소 사례연구를 통한 인공지반의 적정수종선정 및 관리방안 이경재
  7. 심정토양학 조백현;박천서;엄대익
  8. 인공지반 녹화기술에 관한 가이드(I) (주) 삼손
  9. 녹지의 가장자리 효과로 인한 도시녹지의 환경변화 지동환
  10. 보급형 옥상녹화 가이드북 한국건설기술연구원
  11. 조경설계기준 한국조경학회
  12. 서울시 녹지토양의 산성화로 인한 토양환경변화 황인찬