- IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. v.7 no.7 Electrooptic tuning of a fiber ring semiconductor laser H.Porte;T.Frison;P.Mollier;J.P.Goedgebuer
- Electron. Lett. v.29 no.23 All fiber, 1.5 mm widely tunable single frequency and narrow linewidth semiconductor ring laser with fiber Fabry Perot filter M.J.Chawki;I.Valiente;R.Auffret;V.Tholey
IEEE J. Quantum Electron
Single-and multiple wavelength operation of acoustoopticcally tuned semiconductor lasers at 1.3
$\mu$ m G.Coquin;K.W.Cheung - IEEE J. Quantum Electron v.25 no.6 Spectral characterristics of a three-section wavelength-tunable DBR laser Y.Kotari;H.Ishikawa
- IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. v.10 no.6 A widely tunable narrow linewidth semiconductor fiber ring laser D.Zhou;P.R.Prucnal;I.Glesk
- IEEE Photon Wave-length tunability in a Nd-Doped fiber laser with an intracavity polarizer U.Ghera;N.Konforti;M.Tur