- Revenue and Charging Policy AHDS
- Managing Digital Collections: AHDS Policies, Standards and Practices Beagrie, N.;D. Greenstein.
- In Proceedings of the UK Office for Library and Information Networking (UKOLN) conference: Networking and the future of Libraries v.2 Subject-based Services: Origins and Futures Ferguson,N.
- D-Lib Magazine (1998.1) Cross-Searching Subject Gateways Kirriemuir.J.(et al)
- The Role of classification Schemes in Internet Resource Description and Discovery Koch, T.
- The Electronic Library v.17 no.2 UK Subject Gateways to Information on the Net McKenna, B.
- D-Lib Magazine (1998.10) International collaboration on Subject Based Internet Gateways Wiseman, N.
- Distributed and Part-Automated Cataloguing Worssfold, E.
- Distributed and Part-Automated Cataloguing Worsfold, E.
- Developing Multiligual Subject Gateways Worsfold, E.;Hofmam,P.;D. Hion.
- DESIRE project
- eLib: The Elsctronic Libraries Programme