Variation in Germination and Seedling Growth of Taraxacum officinale Seeds Harvested from Different Seasons

  • Yang, Hyo-Sik (Departmnet of Biology, College of Science, Mokpo University)
  • Published : 2001.12.31


Differential response of genotypes to temporal environmental heterogeneity may contribute to the long-term persistence of these genotypes within a population. In this experiment, we experimentally tested whether groups by season interactions for germination and seedling growth can explain genetic variability within the population. To determine whether seeds collected during the four seasons respond differentially to temperature treatments, two-way ANOVA was performed. This study indicates that seasonal environments have large effects on demography. Groups within populations respond differentially to seasonal environments by influencing population growth that may in turn influence community composition. Most importantly, the study showed that temporal heterogeneity in the environment might functions as a mechanism that maintains within-population genetic diversity.



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