Clinical and Economic Benefit Evaluation of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Service on Vancomycin

반코마이신의 임상약동학 모니터링 서비스에 대한 임상적 및 경제적 손익의 평가

  • Bae, S. M. (Department of Pharmacy, Kangnam St. May's Hospital, Catholic University) ;
  • Ann, H. L. (Department of Pharmacy, Kangnam St. May's Hospital, Catholic University) ;
  • Hong, K. J. (Department of Pharmacy, Kangnam St. May's Hospital, Catholic University) ;
  • La, H. O. (Department of Pharmacy, Kangnam St. May's Hospital, Catholic University) ;
  • Cho, H. K. (College of Pharmacy, Ewha Women's University)
  • 배성미 (가톨릭대학교 강남성모병원 약제과) ;
  • 안혜림 (가톨릭대학교 강남성모병원 약제과) ;
  • 홍경자 (가톨릭대학교 강남성모병원 약제과) ;
  • 나현오 (가톨릭대학교 강남성모병원 약제과) ;
  • 조혜경 (이화여자대학교 약학대학)
  • Published : 2001.06.01


This research is conducted to evaluate the clinical and economic benefits from therapeutic drug monitoring(TDM) service on vancomycin in a tertiary general hospital. Total 99 pairs of steady state peak and trough concentrations of vancomycin were obtained from 73 patients. To see the clinical benefits, the appropriateness of vancomycin dosing before TDM was evaluated. In 72 pairs of vancomycin blood concentrations obtained prior to TDM consultation, $47.2\%$ of the cases had reached within therapeutic range. Serum vancomycin levels in patients with $40{\leq}CLcr<60$ (ml/min) were higher and than the levels in patients with 40>CLcr and $60{\leq}CLcr$ (ml/min). Dose reduction rate in patients with creatinine clearance $40{\leq}CLcr<60$ (ml/min) were also significantly higher than those of compared groups ($61.5\%$, p=0.0138). Serum vancomycin concentrations were re-obtained from 21 patients who received modified dose through TDM service. Ninety percent (19/21cases) of them were within the target therapeutic range. For the evaluation of economic benefits from TDM consultation, estimated cost savings were calculated in those patients. The total drug saving were 586 vials in 21 patients. The calculated mean cost saving from the drugs was 314,570 won (range: $11,273\sim473,466)$ per patient. The study revealed that TDM service for vancomycin is necessary because empirical dosing is not effective for obtaining therapeutic drug level, especially patients with mild renal insufficiencies. The cost saving from TDM is also beneficial for the patients.
