마미증후군으로 진단받은 환자에게 팔미지황환(八味地黃丸)에 가미방(加味方)의 투여 및 침(鍼), 구(灸), 물리치료(物理治療)를 이용한 한방요법으로 하지감각장애(下肢感覺障碍), 보행곤란(步行困難) 및 대소변(大小便) 장애(障碍) 등에 유의할 만한 증상의 호전을 볼 수 있었으며 향후 이에 대한 많은 임상적 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
Cauda Equina Syndrom is caused by compression of nerve root resulted from trauma or neoplasm and so forth in the lumbasacral lesion, so the patients suffer from the incontinence or urgency in urination and feces. We are extended to find out the effect of serveral kinds of Herbal Medicine that administrated to the patient suffering from Cauda Equina Syndrom. This patient was differenciated as defiency of Yang. When administrated Palmijihwang-Hwan gami-Bang, there was dominent improvement in both of symptom and dermatome test. From this case it is thought that Herbal Medicine treatment according to differenciation of symptom is very effective to Cauda Equina Syndrom and that more studies and examinations are needed in futher.