- 神經精神科學 대한신경정신의학회(편저)
- CRASH COURSE Psychiatry Darran Bloye;Simon Davies
- 東醫寶鑑 許浚
- 홧병 김종우
- 사상의학회지 v.9 no.2 少陰人 腎受熱表熱病論의 병증 및 약리에 대한 연구 주종천(외)
- 사상의학 송일병(외)
Panic disorder is one of common disease clinically, and it is included in the anxiety disorders. This case is about a patient who is 43 years old lady, suffered by a sense of unease, irritation, palpitation, chest discomfort, heating sense of the upper part. etc. This patient was treated by Bosimgunbitang(Buxin Jianpi Tang) in early stage, and Palmulgunzatang(Bawu Junzi Tang) in chronic stage. This paper describe the process and contents about the way the patient was treated.