A Case of Cavernous Hemangioma

소아 해면상 혈관종 한방 치험 1례

  • Choi In-Hwa (Depart. of Ophthal. Otorhinolaryngology & Dermatology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University)
  • 최인화 (동국대학교 강남한방병원 안이비인후 피부과)
  • Published : 2001.12.15


Cavernous hemangiomas, one of common hemangiomas, are collections of dilated vessels deep in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue that are present at birth. Clinically they appear as pale, skin-colored, red, or blue masses that are ill defined and rounded. Like strawberry hemangiomas, the lesions enlarge for several months, become stationary for an indefinite period, and undergo spontaneous resolution. Usually, they are managed like strawberry hemangiomas, for example, compression, take corticosteroids or interferon and use lasers(pulsed dye lasers and argon lasers). It is similar to 血瘤 and 紅絲瘤 in Oriental Medicine. We observed and treated a 8 month old male infant who had been diagnosed with cavernous hemangiomas on near medial side of the right transverse cubital crease. He had been treated by lasers three times each month about 2 months after the on set of disease in another College of Medicine Hospital. However, his sign didn't any change. He first visited our clinic about 7 months after the on set of disease. bout 1 year after our treatment, herb-medication and acupuncture treatment, the volume of hemangiomas was decreased remarkably and the colour was lighter. It was tender to the touch more and more. It is very rate that someone has cavernous hemangiomas and visits Oriental Medicine Hospital. Also we don't have much the treatment experience of this disease. I expect this case will be one of the base of treatment and management on this kind of diseases.



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