Effect of Kami-Hyunggyeyungyotang on Immunoglobulin-G Subtypes in Middle Ear Effusion for Pediatric Recurrent Otitis Media with Effusion

소아(小兒) 재발성(再發性) 삼출성(?出性) 중이염(中耳炎)에 가미형개연교탕(加味荊芥蓮翹湯)이 중이강(中耳腔) 삼출성(?出性) 내(內) Immunoglobulin-G 아형(亞型)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Published : 2001.08.15


The author measured IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 levels of 22 ears-11 ears of them had treated by antibiotics, 11 of them by Kami-hyunggyeyungyotang-of pediatric recurrent otitis media with effusion using ELISA assay, and compared them. The results were obtained as follows. 1. The level of IgG1 in Kami-hyunggyeyungyotang group was significantly higher than that in antibiotics group(P=0.002). 2. The level of IgG2 in Kami-hyunggyeyungyotang group was higher than that in antibiotics group(P=0.178). 3. The level of IgG3 in Kami-hyunggyeyungyotang group was higher than that in antibiotics group(P=0.215). 4. The level of IgG4 in Kami-hyunggyeyungyotang group was higher than that in antibiotics group(P=0.198). According to above results, Kami-hyunggyeyungyotang is considered to be used for treatment 'recurrent otitis media with effusion' by controlling the production of immunoglobulins.



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