Fire Protection Technology (방재기술)
- Serial No. 29
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- Pages.39-45
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- 2000
IR 불꽃화재감지기 개발
- Published : 2000.10.20
All objects emit thermal radiation and this radiation is the basis of the techniques used to detect flames. The usual phenomena occurring in the initial stage of a fire are generally invisible products of a combustion and visible smoke. Liquid or gaseous materials do not undergo a smoldering stage such fires develop very rapidly. Also, the heat generated by the initial flames is usually not sufficient to active a heat detector. In this case the most effective criterion for automatic fire detection is the flame. In fire regulation of korea, the compulsory standard provided that a flame detector shall be installed a place of the attachment hight of detector is higher than 20 m, chemical plants, hangar, refinery, etc.. The result of the research and development are discriminated between a flame and other radiant emitters, developed PZT pyroelectric element is based on the use of photo-voltanic cell, developed IR band-pass filter that only allow a 4.3 radiation wavelength to reach the sensors and developed IR flame detector.