The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a warmed blanket on relieving the cold discomfort after Cesarean Section delivery. A nonequivalent control group pre-test/post-test design was used for this quasi-experimental study. Sixty women were recruited for this study and divided by two groups: experimental and control groups. Blankets warmed to $40^{\circ}C$ were applied to the women in the experimental group for one hour and unwarmed blankets were applied to the control group. Using Abbey's shivering scales, subjective thermal sensation score, and Celsius mercury thermometer, cold discomfort was measured at four time points: 1) baseline measure (at the point the blanket was applied) 2) 15 min. later, 3) 30 min. later, and 4) 45 min. after application. Data were analyzed using SPSS/WIN and t-test and MANOVA were used to examine the effects of the warmed blanket for relieving cold discomfort. The results of the study are as follows. The experimental group had less cold discomfort than the control group(Wilts's value =0.580, p=0.000) at the 45 minute point after blanket application. the Experimental group reported less shivering and subjective thermal sensation than the control group. Shivering scores showed significant differences between the two groups at each of the four time points (baseline, 15 min., 30 min., and 45 min.) and subjective thermal sensation score showed significant differences between two groups at 45 minutes. after blanket application. In conclusion, the application of a warmed blanket was more effective on shivering and subjective thermal sensation than body temperature measured by objective means. Because women in this study were in the normal range of body temperature, differences in the objective body temperature between the two groups may not be sensitive enough to be detected. Even though differences in objective body temperature were not found, reduced subjective discomfort for low body temperature may be a sufficient significant finding in for nurse clinicians to utilize this method on their practice. Further studies in this area are needed to support these findings.