원자력 발전소 주 제어반의 제어 스위치 배치에 대한 인지적 수행도 평가

A Cognitive Evaluation of Hand Switch Layouts in the Main Control Board of Nuclear Power Plants

  • 변승남 (경희대학교 기계.산업시스템공학부) ;
  • 이동훈 (경희대학교 레이저공학연구소)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.30


The objective of this study is to evaluate the human performance relating to the layouts of the two different hand switch types with two and three buttons in the nuclear power plants. Using a computer simulation, the cognitive performance for the hand switch layouts was measured on the basis of response and task completion times. Comparative analyses were performed with three different layouts representing the current switch arrangements in the Yonggwang nuclear plants 5 and 6 and Ulchin 3 and 4, respectively. Statistical analyses revealed that the performance of the two-buttoned switch layouts was found to be better than those of the three-buttoned switch. Furthermore, the superiority of the two-buttoned switch type is consistent regardless of various layout types. These results imply that the difference of the cognitive performance can be attributable to the switch types rather than to the switch layouts. Therefore, from the cognitive perspective, the two-buttoned switch type is recommended for future power nuclear plants.
