대한산업공학회지 (Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers)
- 제26권4호
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- Pages.336-344
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- 2000
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- 1225-0988(pISSN)
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- 2234-6457(eISSN)
CDMA 이동통신 시스템에서 MSC 간 Soft Handoff 를 위한 트렁크망의 성능분석
Blocking Performance Evaluation of Trunk Network for Soft Handoffs Between MSC' s in CDMA Cellular Systems
- Choi, Woo-Yong (Telecommunication System SBU R&D Team1 Hyundai Electronics Industries Co. Ltd.)
- 발행 : 2000.12.31
The soft handoffs between two adjacent MSC's should be employed to support the calls requesting handoffs to an MSC while minimizing the undesirable ping pong phenomenon of back-and-forth handoffs between two adjacent cells in conventional hard handoffs. In this paper, the soft handoff scheme between two MSC's is considered using the trunk between the packet routers for the two MSC's. The trunk network is proposed to support the inter-MSC soft handoff scheme in the service area with many MSC's. The probability that a soft handoff to an adjacent MSC will be blocked due to the shortage of the trunk capacity is derived.