Molecular Characterization of Three cDNA Clones Encoding Calmodulin Isoforms of Rice

  • Lee, Sung-Ho (Department of Biology, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Kim, Cha Young (Department of Biochemistry, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Lim, Chae Oh (Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research Center, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Lee, Soo In (Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research Center, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Gal, Sang Wan (Department of Microbiological Engineering, Chinju National University) ;
  • Choi, Young Ju (Department of Food and Nutrition, Silla University)
  • Received : 2000.01.11
  • Published : 2000.03.31


Three cDNA clones encoding rice calmodulin (CaM) isoforms (OsCaM-1, OsCaM-2, and OsCaM-3) were isolated from a rice cDNA library constructed from suspension-cultured rice cells treated with fungal elicitor. The coding regions of OsCaM-1 and O.sCaM-2 were 89% homologous at DNA Ievel, whereas the 5' and 3' untranslated regions were highly divergent. The polypeptides encoded by OsCaM-1 and OsCaM-2 was identical except two conservative substitution at position 8 and 75. The coding region of OsCaM-3 was consist of a typical conserved CaM domain and an additional C-terminal extension. The amino acid sequence of conserved CaM domain of OsCaM-3 shared only 86% identity with that OsCaM-1. The OsCaM-3 cDNA is belongs to a novel group of calmodulin gene due to its C-terminal extension of 38 amino acids, a large number of which are positively charged. The extension also contains a C-terminal CaaX-box prenylation site (CVlL). Genomic Southern analysis revealed at least six copies of CaM or CaM-related genes, suggesting that calmodulin may be represented by a small multigene family in the rice geneme. Expression of OsCaM gene was examined through Northern blot analysis. Transcript level of OsCaM-3 was increased by treatment with a fungal elicitor, whereas the OsCaM-1 and OsCaM-2 genes did not respond to the fungal elicitor. The expression of OsCaM-3 gene was remarkable inhibited in the rice cells treated with cyclosporine A, calcinurin inhibitor.



Supported by : Silla University