A sectorial element based on Reissner plate theory

  • Akoz, A. Yalcin (Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul Technical University) ;
  • Eratli, Nihal (Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul Technical University)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.25


In this study, a new functional based on the Reissner theory, for thick plates on a Winkler foundation is obtained. This functional has geometric and dynamic boundary conditions. In deriving the new functional, the $G{\hat{a}}teaux$ differential is used. This functional which is in polar coordinates is also transformable into the classical potential energy equation. Bending and torsional moments, transverse shear forces, rotations and displacements are the basic unknowns of the functional. Two different sectorial elements are developed with $3{\times}8$ degrees of freedom (SEC24) and $4{\times}8$ degrees of freedom (SEC32). The accuracy of the SEC24 and SEC32 elements together are verified by applying the method to some problems taken from literature.



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