Damage assessment of linear structures by a static approach, I: Theory and formulation

  • Tseng, Shih-Shong (Department of Civil Engineering, National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology)
  • 발행 : 2000.02.25


The objective of this research is to propose a new global damage detection parameter, termed as the static defect energy (SDE). This candidate parameter possesses the ability to detect, locate and quantify structural damage. To have a full understanding about this parameter and its applications, the scope of work can be divided into several tasks: theory and formulation, numerical simulation studies, experimental verification and feasibility studies. This paper only deals with the first part of the task. Brief introduction will be given to the dynamic defect energy (DDE) after systematically reviewing the previous works. Process of applying the perturbation method to the oscillatory system to obtain a static expression will be followed. Two implementation methods can be used to obtain SDE equations and the diagrams. Both results are equally good for damage detection.



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