Seismic detailing of reinforced concrete beam-column connections

  • Kim, Jang Hoon (Department of Architecture, Ajou University) ;
  • Mander, John B. (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Canterbury)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.25


A simplified analysis procedure utilizing the strut-tie modeling technique is developed to take a close look into the post-elastic deformation capacity of beam-column connections in ductile reinforced concrete frame structures. Particular emphasis is given to the effect of concrete strength decay and quantity and arrangement of joint shear steel. For this a fan-shaped crack pattern is postulated through the joints. A series of hypothetical rigid nodes are assumed through which struts, ties and boundaries are connected to each other. The equilibrium consideration enables all forces in struts, ties and boundaries to be related through the nodes. The boundary condition surrounding the joints is obtained by the mechanism analysis of the frame structures. In order to avoid a complexity from the indeterminacy of the truss model, it is assumed that all shear steel yielded. It is noted from the previous research that the capacity of struts is limited by the principal tensile strain of the joint panel for which the strain of the transverse diagonal is taken. The post-yield deformation of joint steel is taken to be the only source of the joint shear deformation beyond the elastic range. Both deformations are related by the energy consideration. The analysis is then performed by iteration for a given shear strain. The analysis results indicate that concentrating most of the joint steel near the center of the joint along with higher strength concrete may enhance the post-elastic joint performance.



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