Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture (한국환경농학회지)
- Volume 19 Issue 3
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- Pages.223-227
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- 2000
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- 1225-3537(pISSN)
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- 2233-4173(eISSN)
Changes of Polyamine Content and Phytoavailability in Lactuca sativa cultivated in Cadmium and Arsenic Treated Soil
카드뮴과 비소처리가 상추의 polyamine함량 및 유효도에 미치는 영향
- Moon, Kwang-Hyun (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA.) ;
- Koh, Mun-Hwan (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA.) ;
Kim, Won-Il
(National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA.) ;
- Jung, Goo-Bok (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA.) ;
- Kim, Kyung-Min (Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University)
- 문광현 (농업과학기술원 환경생태과) ;
- 고문환 (농업과학기술원 환경생태과) ;
(농업과학기술원 환경생태과) ;
- 정구복 (농업과학기술원 환경생태과) ;
- 김경민 (연세대학교 환경공학과)
- Published : 2000.09.30
Absorption of Cadmium(Cd) and Arsenic(As) by lettuce following to the change of polyamine content in lettuce were examined to find the effect of these elements on lettuce growth and on the basic resistance mechanism. As the contents of Cd and As were increased in soil, the contents of these elements were significantly increased in lettuce but lettuce growth was decreased. Sequential fractionation experiment of the Cd and As treated soil was shown that exchangeable, dilute acid extractable, and organically bound form, which were more mobile and phyto-available, of Cd were increased by 5.6, 42.9, and 56.7% during a growing season whereas 17.6, 25.0, and 24.1% were increased in case of As, respectively. Specially, the Cd content of leaves and roots in lettuce was positively correlated with exchangeable, dilute acid extractable, and residual form of Cd in the treated soil. However, the As content of roots in lettuce was positively correlated with all chemical forms of As in the treated soil. The contents of putrescine and cadaverine, a kind of polyamine, were also increased in lettuce as both elements were increased in soil.
토양의 카드뮴과 비소함량이 작물생육에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위해서 작물의 흡수 및 중금속 stress로 인한 polyamine함량 변화를 조사하여 작물의 중금속 내성기작의 기초자료를 얻고자 수행하였다. 토양의 카드뮴과 비소처리로 작물의 생체중은 감소하였고 상추의 흡수량도 중금속처리량에 비례하여 증가하였으며 특히 비소보다 카드뮴처리로 생체중 감소 및 흡수축적양상이 크게 나타났다. 상추의 polyamine함량은 카드뮴 및 비소처리에 따라 증가하였고 카드뮴보다 비소처리에서 putrescine 및 cadaverine 함량이 높게 나타났다. 시험후 토양의 형태별 중금속함량은 치환형, 묽은산 추출형, 유기결합형이 카드뮴처리구에서 5.6, 42.9, 56.7 %, 비소처리구에서 17.6, 25.0, 24.1 %가 증가하였다. 카드뮴 처리구에서 토양의 치환형, 묽은산 추출형 및 잔류형 카드뮴 함량은 잎과 뿌리의 카드뮴함량과 고도의 정의 상관을 보였고 비소처리구에서는 토양의 모든 형태가 뿌리의 비소함량과 정의 상관을 보였다.