농촌지역 환경 및 생활개선을 위한 퇴비화 화장실의 활용

Utilization of Composting Toilet for Environmental and Living Quality Improvement in Rural Area

  • 윤광식 (전남대학교 농공학과) ;
  • 최수명 (전남대학교 농공학과) ;
  • 한경수 (전남대학교 농업과학기술연구소)
  • 발행 : 2000.02.25


Composting toilet is accepted for environmentally sound and cost effective alternative of flushing toilet. In this paper, advantages of using composting toilet compared to flushing or pit toilet in terms of environmental quality were described. And principles of human waste decomposing processes within composting toilet were explained. The potential problems of adopting composting toilet to our rural area were also discussed. Treatment efficiency was tested on-site and results confirmed that the composting toilet could be used as alternative one in rural area.
