간호학생의 문제중심학습에 관한 인식유형 : Q-방법론 적용

The Perception of Student Nurse For Problem Based Learning

  • 조계화 (대구가톨릭대학교 의과대학 간호학과)
  • Jo, Kae-Wha (Dept. of Nursing, College of Medicine, Catholic University of Taegu)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


PBL can be defined as an active, self-directed and student-centered learning, and an opposite way of classroom teacher-centered learning which has been traditional role learning. PBL enables students think more efficiently and effectively when puzzling through the patient problems. The purpose of this study is to find out the perception of student nurse about PBL, the characteristics and the structure of the type for PBL. The research process is as follow : First, the researcher selected 35 statements for PBL with the content analysis of in depth interview and the literature review. Second, the researcher asks 38 student nurse to classify the statement cards. The result of the research is that the type of student nurse's PBL perception is divided into 4 types(Affirmative type, Negative type, Suspicious type, and Preferable type), and the explanative total variance is 44 percent. In relation to this, if PBL well combined and adapted in our traditional curriculum will change our nursing education in better direction.
