Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study on the Shear-Induced Orientational Change of Rodlike Molecules


We present the results of computer simulation for the steady shear flows of rodlike molecules using nonequi-librium molecular dynamics simulation (NEMD) method. The model particle is a rigid rod composed of lin-early connected 6-sites and the Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential governs interactions between sites in different molecules. The system of rodlike molecules exhibits the change of orientational structure, that is, isotropic-nematic transition at high shear rates. We elucidate the nature of the ordered system developed from an isotro-pic phase by steady shear through an analysis of various quantities: orientational order parameters, orientational pair correlation functions, orientational distribution function, and snapshots of configurations. The effects of temperature and density on the shear rate dependence of orientational structure are described.



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Cited by

  1. Static and Restricted Rigid Rotor Configurations of Three Classical 12-6-Lennard-Jones Particles vol.56, pp.2, 2015,