1. Definition : Bee-venom therapy does not involve actual bee-stings: it is a treatment method with acquired bee-venom extract through the electric stimulus on the bee, It is injected subcutaneusly on the acupuncture point after refining, according to the diagnosis of constitution and disease. 2. History : Around 2000 B.C., records that Bee-venom was used for therapy were written in the medical book of Babylonia and Papirus of ancient Egypt. Hippocrates, who is called the father of Medicine, said that Bee-venom is Arcanum, which means mysteric medicine. In Oriental medicine, B.C. 200, there was a clinical record that the meat suspended in front of the bee house on the tree in order to get bee-venom, was attached on the lesion. 3. Mechanism of Action : There are two aspects: 1) The effect of stimulating acupunture point It is similar to the chemical moxa. I think that there are several methods of stimulating the acupuncture point: For example, a simple needle is a mechanical stimulus, Moxa is a heating stimulus and electric and Raser acupunture etc. And another stimulus: in the ancient orient, a chemical stimulus called Chungu(Tianjiu), is attached to the lesions by using grinded insects (ex. Mylaris phalerate PALL.) which have toxin. So Bee venom therapy is similar to this. 2) The effect of biochemical ingredients Bee venom consists of 40 kinds of ingredients. For example, me Iii tin, Apamin, Pospholipase A2, MCD peptide, Adolapin and so on. They have effects which have been proven through experimentation l) tonifying mechanism of the body through increasing hormon secretion 2) tonifying immune system through proliferation of WBC, lymphocytes, macrophage 3) anti-inflammatory reaction Therefore Bee venom therapy is the representative 3rd Medicine, which combined East & West medicine. 4. Application of disease : L.B.P and HIVD, O.A, R.A, degenerative arthritis, shoulder pain and other pain diseases. 5. Therapic methods : According to constitution and disease, proper concentration of bee venom is injected on acupunture point, 2 times a week. Generally one term is consisted of 15times. 6. Contraindication : Heart disease, TBc, DM, kidney disease(nephritis), pregnancy, woman in menstruation 3-4 persons per 100,000 persons may have severe allergic reaction.