Oriental Medicines Effects on Cure and Prevention of an Obesty(I)

비만치료 및 예방에 대한 한약의 효능 연구(I) -4종 처방이 비만 흰쥐의 생화학적 변화에 미치는 영향-

  • 변성희 (경산대학교 제한동의학술원) ;
  • 서부일 (경산대학교 한의과대학)
  • Published : 2000.03.01


We experimented with several prescriptions in order to find cure and prevention effects for obesity. We fed control group rats a high fat diet and adiministered normal saline for 8weeks. We fed experimental group rats a high fat diet and administered extract of four prescriptions for 8weeks. The results were as follows; 1. The serum total cholesterol level in Bikam-whan and Chekamhanghyuluiyiin-tang group showed a significant decrease in comparison with Control group. 2. The serum triglyceride level in Bikam-whan, Chekamhanghyuluiyiin-tang and Chekambangpungtongseong-san group showed a significant decrease in comparison with Control group. 3. The serum free fatty acid level in Chekamhanghyuluiyiin-tang and Chekambohyulansin-tang group showed a significant decrease in comparison with Control group. 4. The serum total lipid level in Bikam-whan, Chekamhanghyuluiyiin-tang and Chekambohyulansin-tang group showed a significant decrease in comparison with Control group. 5. The serum phospholipid level in Bikam-whan and Chekamhanghyuluiyiin-tang group showed a significant decrease in comparison with Control group. 6. The serum glucose level in Bikam-whan and Chekamhanghyuluiyiin-tang group showed a significant decrease in comparison with Control group. According to the above results, Bikam-whan and Chekamhanghyuluiyiin-tang has shown to be capable of curing and preventing obesty.



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