Effects of the Semyung-Gangi-tang on the Blood Lipid in Experimentally Induced Hyperlipidemic Rabbits

세명항지탕이 고지혈증 토끼의 혈중 지질변화에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2000.01.01


Etiology and pathogenesis of hyperlipidemia are considered as 'difficiency in origin' of liver, spleen and kidney combined with 'excess in superficiality' of phlegm stagnancy and blood stasis. The prescription of Semyung-Gangji-tang, designed for the treatment of hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis, consists of herbs effective at treating blood stasis and phlegm stagnancy. It invigorates the liver, kidney and spleen. Its medical nature is not too cold or too hot and it increases human vital energy. The purpose of this study is to examine the currative effects of Semyung-Gangji-tang on hyperlipidemia in rabbits. Twenty-four male NZW rabbits, around 2kg of B.W., were divided into 3 groups. Group I was served as the normal group. Group II was served as the hyperlipidemic control group fed with 1 % cholesterol diet for 8weeks and with normal diet for the next 4weeks. Group III was served as the treatment group, treated the same as the control group and medicated with Semyung-Gangji-tang for the last 4weeks. Blood samples were collected from each of the animals at a, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12 weeks and used for the blood chemical analysis. Animals were sacrificed at 8 and 12weeks and chemical analyses were performed on the collected liver samples. The serum total cholesterol value of treatment group ($938.60{\pm}95.07{\;}mg/dl$) at l2weeks was significantly decreased (P<0.00l) compared with the value of control group ($1375{\pm}37.82{\;}mg/dl$) at 12weeks. The serum LDL-cholesterol value of the treatment group ($838.00{\pm}89.52 mg/dl$) at l2weeks was significantly decreased(p<0.00l) compared with the value of the control group ($1249.60{\pm}37.63{\;}mg/dl$) at l2weeks. These results indicate that Semyung-Gangji-tang has the effects of lowering serum lipid in experimentally induced hyperlipidemic rabbits.



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