한국 의료보험의 통합일원화 : 성패의 갈림길

Korean Experiment for the Unification of Multiple Health Insurers : A Road to Success or Failure

  • 김병익 (성균관대학교 의과대학 사회의학교실)
  • 발행 : 2000.09.01


The Korean government has implemented the policy for merging 141 health insurers into Korean Unified Health Insurer (KUHI) in July of 2000. The unification of multiple insurers will definitely effect the stability of financial management, equity of premium burdens and efficiency of administrative management. However, it is difficult to predict what forms the far-reaching effects of the unification would take. Thus, pursuing the unification may be express as a huge policy experiment. In order to lead the unification, which lies on a crossroad between success and failure, to the road of success, we need to infer the problems and obstacles predicted in the step-wise processes of merging organizations, finances and the systems of computing premium, and come up with the effective means to maintain the stability of financial management, to improve the equity of premium burdens and to increase the efficiency of administrative management. Thus, I first described the changes of the Korean medical insurance system, and analyzed the performances of self-employed medical insurance 1 year after the integration of societies in October of 1998. At the base of examining the stability of financial management, equity of premium burdens and efficiency of administrative management, I predicted the problems and obstacles that could occur after the unification of the multiple medical insurers, and proposed a few ways of leading the unification of the multiple medical insurers in Korea to success. The most worried factor is that insurance finance would become unstable since the expansion of premium revenues is not easy because raising the premium for all Koreans is to be difficult. In addition, the unification of insurance finance could weaken the insurer's efforts for declaring real incomes of the self-employed and increasing the collection rate of premiums from them. This weakening would be the decisive factor of lowering the equity of premium contributions between the self-employed and employees. And bureaucratization and rigidity that are unavoidable in a gigantic unified organization could lower the efficiency of administrative management. Furthermore, by having 3 labor unions in the unified organization, it is possible to experience frequent difficulties and discords among the unions and between the unions and organization. Thus, when smooth pursuing of the unification of multiple insurers gets difficult, the social expenses derived from the failure would eventually end up on all Koreans. The unification is to be performed after coming up with the ways to eradicate these worries, so that the unification of multiple insurers would step onto the road of success.
