Use of Hairy Vetch Green Manure as Nitrogen Fertilizer for Corn Production

  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) winter annual is very effective on reducing chemical nitrogen fertilizer for subsequent com by fixed organic green manure nitrogen fixed during hairy vetch growth. In this experiment, hairy vetch produced above-ground dry matter of 5 ton/ha, nitrogen yield 200 kgN/ha, at com planting on the average during 1997 and 1998. Changes in com yield and nitrogen uptake for two years were investigated after application of nitrogen fertilizer 0, 60, 120, 180, 240 kgN/ha on plot of winter fallow and hairy vetch green manure, respectively. Nitrogen status such as ear-leaf N%, SPAD value at silk and dough stage, and com yield decreased in proportion to reduction of nitrogen fertilizer at winter fallow, but nitrogen status and yield of com were not different among nitrogen fertilizer rate at hairy vetch green manure. Com yield (total dry matter) at 0 kgN/ha plot of hairy vetch was 22, 20 ton/ha in 1997, 1998, respectively and com could produce more dry matter 9, 13 ton/ha by hairy vetch green manure compared with winter fallow under the condition of no nitrogen fertilizer in 1997, 1998, respectively. Com yield (total dry matter) at 60kgN/ha of hairy vetch green manure was higher than that of high N fertilizer rate such as 180, 240 kgN/ha of winter fallow. Nitrogen uptake of com at plot of hairy vetch-no nitrogen fertilizer slightly decreased than at plot of hairy vetch - nitrogen fertilizer, but com absorbed more nitrogen of 141, 159 kgN/ha by hairy vetch green manure compared with winter fallow under no nitrogen fertilizer condition in 1997, 1998, respectively. Nitrogen fertilizer reduction for com by hairy vetch green manure was 149, 161kgN/ha in 1997, 1998, respectively. Still more, com could absorb more soil nitrogen by nitrogen fertilizer 60kgN/ha of hairy vetch green manure than by high nitrogen fertilizer such as 180, 240 kgN/ha at winter fallow. It is concluded that nitrogen fertilizer for corn could be reduced by winter cultivation and soil incorporation of hairy vetch at com planting.
