경남 자연늪에 서식하는 담수 빈모류 (빈모강, 실지렁이목, 물지렁이과)

Freshwater Oligochaetes(Oligochaeta, Tubificida, Naididae) from Several Swamps in Kyungsangnam-do, Korea

  • Seong Myeong Yoon (Department of Biology Education, College of Education, Chosun University) ;
  • Hak Bae Kong (School of Biological Science, Seoul National University) ;
  • Won Kim (School of Biological Science, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2000.10.01


1988년 2월부터 1991년 9월까지 경상남도 우포늪, 외송늪, 질날늪 및 주남지에서 채집된 표본들을 동정하여 7종의 물지렁이류를 보고한다. Chaetogaster diastrophus (Gruithuisen), C. diaphanus (Gruithuisen), Amphichaeta asiatica Liang, Pristina longiseta Ehrenberg, P. biserrata Chen, Stylaria fossularis Leidy, Slavina appendiculata (d'Udekem). 저자들은 7종에 대하여 재기재하였고 도판을 작성하였으며, 한국산 물지렁이과 종들에 대한 검색표를 제시하였다. 본 연구는 한국 담수산 물지렁이류에 관한 최초의 분류학적 기록이다.

Seven freshwater naidid oligochaetes are recorded on the basis of the materials collected from four lowland swamps, Upo-neup, Oisong-neup, Chilnal-neup, and Chunam-ji, in Kyungsnagnam-do, Korea during the period from February 1988 to September 1991 : Chaetogaster diastrophus (Gruithuisen), C. diaphanus (Gruithuisen), Amphichaeta asiatica Liang, Pristina longiseta Ehrenberg, P. biserrata Chen, Stylaria fossularis Leidy, Slavina appendiculata (d'Udekem). These species are redescribed and illustrated with a key to the species and genera of the family Naididae in Korea. This is the first taxonomic record on the freshwater naidid oligochaetes in Korea.



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