남한의 노래기상 (노래기강)

Millipede fauna (Diplopoda) of South Korea

  • Elena valentinovna Mikhaljova (Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Lim, Kil-Young (Department of Agrobiology, College of Agriculture, Chonbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2000.10.01


남한의 노래기류 Cawjeekelia iksana sp. nov.을 신종으로 기재하고, Rhipidopeltis sinuafa (Haplodesmidae)와 Hyleoglomeris emarginata를 한국 미기록종으로, Megalotyla속과 Cawjeekelia pyongana, Tokyosoma ronkayi그리고 Yamasinaium koreanum을 남한 미기록종으로 보고한다.

Cawjeekelia iksana sp. n. is described from South Korea. The family Haplodesmidae, the genus Rhipidopeltis Miyosi, the species Rhipidopeltis sinuata Miyosi, and Hyleoglomeris emarginata Golovatch are recorded in Korea for the first time. The genus Megalotyla Golovatch as well as the species Cawjeekelia pyongana Mikhaljova and Kim, Tokyosoma ronkayi (Shear) and Yamasinaium koreanum Golovatch, are new to the fauna of South Korea.



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  2. Ann. Zool. v.36 no.8 Some East-Asiatic millipedes (Diplopoda) in the collection of Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Science Golovatch, S. I
  3. Bull.Zool. v.11 no.11 The generic position of Orthomorpha bucharensis Lohmander and O. muminabadensis Gulicka, and the taxonomic status of Hedinomorpha Verhoeff(Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae) Jeekel, C. A. W
  4. Korean J. Ecol. v.16 no.2 Bionomics and systematics of Diploplda in Korea I. The life-cycle and population dynamics of Anaulaciulus koreanus (Verhoeff) (Diplopoda, Julidae) Kim, T. H;K. Y. Lim
  5. In Insects of Quelpart Island Millipedes (Diplopoda) from Cheju Island Kim, T. H;K. Y. Lim
  6. Insecta Koreana Suppl. v.5 A check list of Diplopoda from Chejudo Kim, T. H;K. Y. Lim
  7. Proceedings of the First Korean-Hungarian Joint Seminar on the Bio of Korea (Seoul-Budapest, 1994) The millipede genus Anaulaciulus in Korea (Diplopoda, Julida, Julidae) Korsos, Z
  8. Master Thesis.Inst. Agric. Taxonomical studies on the class Diplopoda from Korea Lim, K. Y
  9. Korea J. Ecol. v.15 no.4 Distribution of millipedes in relation to altitude and flora on Mt. Chiri Lim, K. Y;T. H. Kim;J. S. Kwak
  10. Senckenberg. biol. v.62 no.4/6 Diplopoda de I'Iran: Persedicus n. gen. (Craspedosomida; Anthroleucosomidae) Mauries, J. P
  11. Zool. Zhurn. v.61 no.8 On the synonymy of two forms of Diplopoda from the USSR Far East Mikhaljova, E. V
  12. Arthropoda Selecta. v.7 no.1 The millipedes of the Far East of Russia (Diplopoda) Mikhaljova, E. V
  13. Far Eastern Entomologist. v.60 New and little-known millipede (Diplopoda) from the Russian Far East Mikhaljova, E. V
  14. Artropoda Selecta. v.8 no.3 Review of the millipede family Diplomaragnidae (Diploda: Chordeumatida) Mikhaljova, E. V
  15. Fragm. Faun. PAN v.43 On some new or poorly-known millipedes(Diplopoda) from North Korea Mikhaljova, E.V;S. I. Golovatch;J. Wytwer
  16. Korean Arachnol. v.9 no.1-2 Contribution to the millipede fauna of Korea (Diplopoda) Mikhaljova, E. V;J. p. Kim
  17. Zool. Mag. Tokyo v.67 no.10 Beitraege zur Kenntnis japanischer Myriopoden 25. Aufsatz: Uber eine neue Gattung und eine neue Art von Diplopoden Miyosi, Y
  18. Cane-dwelling myriapods from the southern part of Korea. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo v.11 no.4 Results of the speleological survey in South Korea 1996. XI Murakami, Y;k. Y. Paik
  19. Kyungpook Univ Thes Coll. v.2 A list of Chilopoda, Symphila and Diplopoda from Korea Paik, K. Y
  20. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6 v.15 Report upon the Chilopoda and Diplopoda obtained by P. W. Bassett-Smith, Esq., Surgeon R. N., and J.J. Walker, Esq., R. N., during the cruise in the Chinese seas of H. M. S. "Penguin". Commander W. U. Moore commang Pocock, R. I
  21. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser.7 v.12 Remarks upon the morphology and systematics if sertain chilognathous Diplopoda. Pocock, R. I
  22. Amer. Mus. Novit. v.2977 On the Central and East Asian milliped family Diplomaragnidae (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Diplomaragnoidea) Shear, W. A
  23. Annot. Zool. Japon v.19 no.1 Uber Scleroprotopus-Arten (Diplopoda) Takakuwa, Y
  24. Annot. Zool. Japon. v.21 no.1 Zur Kenntnis japanischen Diplopoden Takakuwa, Y
  25. Zool. Anz. Bd. v.115 Zur Kenntnis ostasiatischer Strongylosomiden und Fontariiden (149. Diplopoden-Aufsatz) Verhoeff, K. w