황금비에 대한 통계적 고찰

  • Published : 2000.12.01


In this study, it is certified that the golden ratio exists in the plants, the animals and human bodies(appearance), and is considered how much the ratio of positive and negative is in the psychological, political, social and cultural aspects. The result of this study shows that the golden sections or golden rectangles of the plants(N=58), the insects(N=44), the animals(N=21) and human bodies(N=260) are equal to $0.620{\pm}0.117$, $0.632{\pm}0.203$, $0.625{\pm}0.138$ and $0.60{\pm}0.169$, respectively. The slope in the regression analysis is equal to 0.627(R-square=0.925, p-value=0.0001). Whereas, for the public opinion poll, the ratios($mean{\pm}st.dev.$) of positive and negative of the public mental phenomena are equal to $0.508{\pm}0.179$, $0.808{\pm}0.216$ and $0.711{\pm}0.128$ in the political, economical, and sociocultural aspects, respectively. The slope in the regression is equal to 0.674(R-square=0.764, p-value=0.016). As results, we show that the golden ratio exists in the plants, the animals and human bodies in nature. This shows that the public mental phenomena has some more negative aspects than positive aspects and explains the shrinkage of the public mental phenomena in the economical field.



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