경북지역 대학생의 전통음식에 대한 태도(I) -전통음식에 대한 평가, 이용도 및 라이프 스타일과의 관계-

Attitudes of the university students in the Kyung-book area on the traditional foods(I) -The evaluation, the utilization and the life style-

  • 김성미 (계명대학교 생활과학부 식품영양학전공)
  • 발행 : 2000.02.01


This study intended to find out what the male and female university students in Kyung-book area think about Korean traditional foods, how much they use them, and how their life styles affect their estimates on traditional foods. They evaluated the aspects of traditional foods highly in the order of nutrition(6.07), taste(5.96), appearance(5.40), color(5.33), preservation after cooking(4.82), cost(4.63), and cooking method(4.43). Female students had higher estimates on traditional foods than male students. There was no significant difference in the evaluation between the students raised in rural and urban areas if they had the same educational level. Regardless of gender, Kimchi was most preferred followed by boiled rice, pot stew, grilled fish, and beef out of 25 traditional foods. In the correlation among the evaluation factors and uses of traditional foods, those with high evaluation on traditional foods(r=0.282, p<0.01) and the families with higher income(r=0.316, p<0.01) made more use of traditional foods. For the life style, leisure-valuing type was the greatest part(39.4%) in male students and altruistic type(31.9%) in female students. The altruistic type comprised of the greatest part(34.8%) among the students raised in urban areas and the leisure-valuing type(40.0%) among those raised in rural areas. The altruistic type students put high values on taste, nutrition, appearance, color, and preservation after cooking of the traditional foods. The egocentric type gave high values on cost and cooking method. However, there were no significant differences among the types in every item. The altruistic type put the highest and the leisure-valuing type put the lowest value on traditional foods, respectively, however, it was not significantly different. The individuality-centered type made the most use of traditional foods, whereas the leisure-valuing type made the least(p<0.05).
