- 도엽번호 NJ 52-9-07-2 no.223-4 a. 1 : 25000 지형도 국립지리원
- 도엽번호 NJ 52-9-07 no.223 b. 1 : 50000 지형도 국립지리원
- 한국생태학회지 v.19 no.1 인공산성비가 돌피와 바랭이의 생장과 경쟁에 미치는 효과 김진경;조도순
- 한국육수학회지 v.30 no.3 산성화에 따른 수계 세균 군집 및 세포의 쇼소의 활성도 변화 안영범;조홍범;최영길
- 한국동물학회지 v.29 no.3 한국산 단각류의 계통분류학적연구 남한 담수산 옆새우과(갑각류)의 1신종 Gammarus hoonsooi 이경숙
- 한국육수학회지 v.29 no.2 수질오염 조기감시를 위한 물벼룩독성경보장치 활용 임병진;박수영;변명섭;이철우;임은숙;윤승모
- 한국육수학회지 v.30 no.3 산성화가 식물플랑크톤 종조성에 미치는 영향 채기숙;김범철
- Freshwater Biology v.35 Total metal burdens in the freshwater amphipod Gammarus fasciatus: contribution of various body parts and influence of gut contents Amyot M;B Pinel-Alloul;PGC Campbell;JC Desy
- Freshwater Biology v.29 Effects of flow and refugia on drift loss of benthic macroinvertebrates: implications for habitat restoration in lowland stream Borchardt D
- Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science v.69 no.2 Acid tolerance in Caecidotea communis, say 1918: Indicator of lake acidification in northeastern pennsylvania Bradt P;T Tereska;K Melnikoff
- Fresenius Environmental Bulletin v.4 Field acute toxicity method for the assessment of acid mine drainage using macroinvertebrates Byrne C;NF Gray
- Freshwater Biology v.36 Effect of habitat structure on habitat use by Gammarus pulex in artificial streams Dahl J;L Greenberg
- Environment International v.20 Monitoring of behavioural patterns of aquatic organisms with an impedance conversion technique Gerhardt A;E Svensson
- Environ. Sci. & Pollut. res. v.3 Behavioural early warning responses to polluted water Gerhardt A
- Hydrobiologia v.242 no.1 Effects of acidic pH on predation rates and survivorship of damselfly nymphs Gorham CT;DS. Vodopich
- Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry v.12 Impact assessment of spray drift from silvicural aerial applications of permethrin on aquatic invertebrates using mosquito bioassays Helson BV;NJ Payne;KMS Sundaram
- Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry v.13 Effects of water temperature and pH on toxicity of terbufos, trichlorfon, 4-nitrophenol and 2,4- dinitrophenol to the amphipod Gammarus pseudolimnaeus trophenol to the amphipod Gammarus pseudolimnaeus and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Howe GE;LL Marking;TD Bills;JJ Rach;FL Mayer
- Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences v.53 New techniques for 3-d video tracking of fish swimming movements in still or flowing water Hughes NF;LH Kelly
- Crustaceana no.SUP.6 On the geographical distribution and variation of freshwater Gammarus in Korea, Including descriptions of four new species Lee KS;HS Kim
- Aquatic Entomology; The Fishermen's and Ecologist' Illustrated Guide to Insects and Their Relatives McCafferty WP
- An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America(Third Edition) Merritt RW;KW Cummins
- Comp. Biochem. Physiol. v.1 The impact of Cd and different pH on the amphpod Gammarus fossarum KOCH(Crustacea: Amphipoda) Musko IB;W Meinel;R Krause;M Barlas
- Water, Air, and soil Pollution v.52 Effects of increasing acidity on aquatic protozoan communities Niederlehner BR;J Cairns
- Fresh-water Invertebrates of the United States Pennak RW
- Hydrobiologia v.254 Effect of acute pH depression on the survival of the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca at variable temperatures Pilgrim W;DB M Burt
- Freshwater Biology v.33 Freshwater amphipods as biomonitors of metal pollution in surface and interstitial aquatic system Plenet S
Freshwater Biology
Intra- and inter-specific variation in egg survival and brood development time Austrian population of Gammarus fossarum and G. roeseli(Crustacea: Amphipoda)
$\"{o}$ ckl M;UH Humpesch - aquatic species v.1 Handbook of chemical toxicity profiles of biological species Ramamoorthy S;EG Baddaloo
- Aquatic Toxicology v.34 Calibration of the estuarine amphipods, Gammarus zaddachi Sexton(1912), as biomonitors: toxicokinetics of cadium and possible role of inducible metal-binding proteins in Cd detoxification Ritterhoff J;GP Zauke;R Dallinger
- Acidification of Freshwater Ecosystems: Implication for the Future Physiological mechanisms for toxic effects and resistance to acidic water: an exophysiological and exotoxicological approach Rosseland BO;M Staurnes;Steinberg CEW(ed.);Wright RF(ed.)
- SYSTAT 7.01 SPSS Incorporation SPSS Incorporation
- Acid toxicity and Aquatic animals;Society of Experimental Biology. seminar series 34 Invertebrate communities in acid streams Sutcliffe DW;AG Hildrew;Morris R(ed.);Taylor EW(ed.);Brown DJA(ed.);Brown JA(ed.)
- Annu. Rev. Entomol. v.17 The drift of stream insects Waters TF
- Crustaceana v.68 no.1 Life history of Gammarus balcanicus Schaferna, 1922 from the bieszczady mountains Zielinski D