전 지구 환경변화에 대한 극지 식물플랑크톤의 중요성

Importance of Polar Phytoplankton for the Global Environmental Change

  • 강성호 (한국해양연구소 극지연구센터) ;
  • 강재신 (한국해양연구소 극지연구센터) ;
  • 이상훈 (한국해양연구소 극지연구센터) ;
  • 김동선 (한국해양연구소 극지연구센터) ;
  • 김동엽 (한국해양연구소 극지연구센터)
  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


최근 극지 해양 생태계는 화석연료 사용의 증가로 인한 지구 온난화, 오존층 파괴에 의한 자외선 증가 등과 같은 전 지구 환경변화에 영향을 받고 있다. 지구 온난화와 오존층 파괴에 의한 수온 상승, 빙하 후퇴, 해수면 상승, 해빙 분포 변화, 자외선 증가 등으로 인해 극지 해양 생물들의 성장 환경이 변화하는 등 여러 가지 증후들이 극지 해양 생태계에 나타나고 있다. 특히 빛을 에너지원으로 하고, 온도에 민감하며, 빠르게 성장하는 일차생산자들인 식물풀랑크톤들이 극지 해양의 물리적, 생지화학적 환경 변화에 가장 민감하게 영향을 받고 있다. 전체 극지 해양 생태계를 유지하기 위한 주요 탄소 공급원인 식물플랑크톤의 변화는 전체 극지 해양 생태계의 변화를 의미한다. 식물플랑크톤들은 오랜 기간 극한 환경에 적응하여 왔기 때문에 미세한 환경변화를 쉽게 감지하고 감시하기 위한 생물학적 환경 변화 지표종으로 이용될 수 있다. 전 지구 환경변화에 따른 극지 해양 생태계의 변화 양상을 이해하기 위해서는 환경 변화에 민감하게 반응하는 극지 식물플랑크톤에 대한 연구가 선행되어야 하며 표준화되고 대표적인 식물플랑크톤 지표종의 선정이 필요하다. 이 총설에서는 극지 식물풀랑크톤의 일반적인 특징, 서식환경, 극지 해양의 환경 변화, 환경 변화에 따른 식물플랑크톤의 영향, 전 지구 환경변화를 이해하기 위한 극지 식물플랑크톤의 중요성에 대한 최근 연구 동향이 정리되어 있다.

There are increasing evidences of climate change in the Antarctic and Arctic Oceans, especially elevated temperature due to the continuous burning of the fossil fuels and ultraviolet B(UV-B) flux within the ozone hole. Light-dependent, temperature-sensitive, and fast-growing organisms respond to these physical and biogeochemical changes. Polar marine phytoplankton, which are pioneer endemic species and important carbon contributors in the polar waters, are therefore highly suitable biological indicators of such changes. By virtue of light requirement, the primary producers are exposed to extreme seasonal fluctuations in temperature, photosynthetically active radiation, and UV radiation. Local environmental warming and increased UV-B radiation during ozone depletion may have profound effects on the primary producers that are primary carbon producers in the polar water. Small changes in climate temperature and solar radiation may have profound effects on the activity threshold of the polar phytoplanktion. To demonstrate biological response to the environmental changes, standardized representative natural and biological parameters are needed so that replicate samples (including controls) can be taken over extended periods of time. In this paper, we review general characteristics of polar phytoplankton, their environment, environmental changes in the polar waters, the effects on the environmental changes to the polar phytoplankton, and the importance of the polar phytoplankton to understand the global environmental changes. [Biological indicators, Global environmental change, Polar phytoplankton, UV].



  1. Polar Biol. v.17 Diatom composition and Biomass variability in near-shore waters of Maxwell Bay, Antarctica, during the 1992/1993 austral summer Ahn IY;H Chung;JS Kang;SH Kang
  2. Science v.232 Antarctic mesopelagic micronekton: Evidence from seabirds that pack ice affects community structure Ainley DG;WR Fraser;CW Sullivan;JJ Torres;TL Hopkins;WO Smith, Jr.
  3. Limnol. Oceanogr. v.26 Oceanography of the eastern Bering Sea ice-edge in spring Alexander V;HJ Neibauer
  4. J. of Geophy. Res. v.103 Primary production in southern ocean waters Arriga KR;D Worthen;A Schnell;MP Lizotte
  5. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. v.181 Seasonal variation in the feeding activity of four species of Antarctic bryozoan in relation to environmental factors Barnes DK;AA Clarke
  6. Nature v.329 Vostok ice core provides 160,000 year record of atmospheric CO₂ Barnola JM;D Raynaud;YS Korotkevich;C Lorius
  7. Nature v.329 Evidence for the climatic role of marine biogenic sulphur Bates TS;RJ Charlson;RH Gammon
  8. Particle Flux in the Ocean Abiotic and Biotic Forcing on Vertical Particle Flux in the Southern Ocean Bathmann UV;Ittekkot V(ed.);P Schafer(ed.);S Honjo(ed.);PJ Depetris(ed.)
  9. Productivity of the Ocean: Present and Past Ocean productivity and paleoproductivity-an overview Berger WH;VS Smetacek;G Wefer;Berger WH(ed.);VS Smetacek(ed.);G Wefer(ed.)
  10. Radiocarbon v.22 Information on the CO₂ cycle from ice core studies Berner W;H Oeschger;B Stauffer
  11. Antarc. Res. Ser. v.70 Phytoplankton: Quantitative and qualitative assesments, Foundation for ecological research of the Antartic Peninsula Bidigare RR;JL Iriarte;SH Kang;D Karentz;ME Ondrusek;GA Fryxell
  12. Deep-Sea Res. v.42 Water column and sea-ice primary production during austral spring in the Bellingshausen Sea Boyd PW;C Robinson;G Savidge;PJ le Williams
  13. Limnol. Oceanogr. v.28 Optical efficiency factors of some phytoplankton Bradstreet MSW;WE Cross
  14. Antarc. Sci. v.6 Wind field effect on hydrography and chlorophyll dynamics in the coastal pelagial of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica Brandini FP;J Rebello
  15. Geochem. Cosmochem. Acta v.46 Ocean chemistry during glacial time Broecker WS
  16. Nature v.283 The ecological significance of solar UV radiation on aquatic organisms Calkins J;T Thordardottir
  17. Nature v.326 Oceanic phytoplankton, atmospheric sulphur, cloud albedo and climate Charlson RJ;IE Lovelock;MO Andreae;SG Warren
  18. Br. Antarct. Surv. Bull. v.80 The annual cycle of temperature, chlorophyll, and major nutrients at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, 1969~82 Clarke A;LJ Holmes;MG White
  19. Limnol. Oceanogr. v.41 The seasonal cycle of phytoplankton, macronutrients, and the microbial community in a nearshore Antarctic marine ecosystem Clarke A;RJG Leaky
  20. J. Geophys. Res. v.95 Satellite ocean color studies of Antarctic ice edges in summer/autumn Comiso JC;NG Maynard;WO Smith Jr.;CW Sullivan
  21. Deep-Sea Res. v.37 Bacterioplankton in the marginal ice zone of the Weddell Sea: biomass, production and metabolic activities during austral autumn Cota GF;ST Kottmeier;DH Robinson;WO Smith Jr.;CW Sullivan
  22. Polar Biol. v.12 Protist interactions and carbon dynamics of a Phaeocystis-dominated bloom at an Antarctic coastal site Davidson AT;HJ Marchant
  23. Ultravioler Radiation and Biological Research in Antarcrica Antarctic Research Series 62 The impact of ultraviolet radiation on Phaeocystis and selected species of Antarctic marine diatoms Davidson AT;HJ Marchant;Weiler CS(ed.);Penhale PA(ed.)
  24. Polar Biol. v.7 The in situ photobiology of Antarctic Phaeocystis and selected diatom species Davidson AT;HJ Marchant
  25. Polar Biol. v.6 Distribution patterns of benthic microalgal standing stock at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica Dayton PK;D Watson;A Palmisano;JP Barry;JS Oliver;D Rivera
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  27. Antarctic Research Series 17, Biology of the Antarctic Seas Ⅳ Observations on phytoplankton bloom in the Weddell sea El-Sayed SZ;Llano GA(ed.);IE Wallen(ed.)
  28. Marine phytoplankton and productivity Productivity of the Antarctic waters - a reappraisal El-Sayed SZ;Holm-Hansen O(ed.);L Boris(ed.);R Gilles(ed.)
  29. Natur. Hist. v.10 Fragile life under the ozone hole El-Sayed SZ
  30. Deep-Sea Res. v.28 Primary production and standing crop of phytoplankton along the ice-edge in the Weddell Sea El-Sayed SZ;S Taguchi
  31. Hydrobiologia v.139 Observations of seasonal changes in diatoms at inshore localities near Davis Station, East Antarctica Everitt DA;DP Thomas
  32. Science v.241 Ultraviolet radiation levels during the Antarctic spring Frederick JE;HE Snell
  33. Deep-Sea Res. v.35 Austral spring microalgae across the Weddell Sea ice edge: spatial relation ships found along a northward transect during AMERIEZ 83 Fryxell GA;GA Kendrick
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  45. Ultraviolet Radiation and Biological Research in Antarcrica;Antarctic Research Series 62 Effects of ultraviolet radiation on Antarctic marine phytoplankton photosvnthesis with particular attention to the influences of mixing Helbling EW;V Villafa$\%{n}$e;O Holm-Hansen;Weiler CS(ed.);PA Penhale(ed.)
  46. Antarctic nutrient cycles and food webs Alternate carbon pathways at lower trophic levels in the Antarctic food web Hewes CD;O Holm-Hansen;E Sakshaug;Siegried WR(ed.);PR Condy(ed.);RM Laws(ed.)
  47. Deep-Sea Res. v.38 Spatial and temporal distribution of phytoplankton and primary production in the western Bransfield Strait region Holm-Hansen O;BG Mitchell
  48. Adaptations within Antarctic Ecosystems Primary production and the factors controlling phytoplankton growth in the Southern Ocean Holm-Hansen O;SZ El-Sayed;GA Franceschini;RL Cuhel;Llano GA(ed.)
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  50. Nature v.281 Chlorophyll and nitrate fine structure in the southeastern Bering Sea shelf break front Iverson Rl;TE Whitledge;JJ Goering
  51. Korean J. Polar Res. v.8 Antartic micro- and nano-phytoplankton assemblages in the surface water of Maxwell Bay during the 1997 austral summer Kang JS;SH Kang;JH Lee;KH Chung;MY Lee
  52. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Most abundant diatom species in water column assemblages from five ODP Leg 119 drill sites in Prydz Bay, Antarctica: Distributional patterns Kang SH;GA Fryxell
  53. Polar Biol. v.12 Fragilariopsis cylindrus(Grunow) Krieger: The most abundant diatom in water column assemblages of Antarctic marginal ice edge znes Kang SH;GA Fryxell
  54. Mar. Biol. v.116 Phytoplankton in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica: Composition, abundance and the distribution in water column assemblages of the marginal ice-edge zone during austral autumn Kang SH;GA Fryxell
  55. Korean J. Polar Res. v.9 Phaeocystis antarctica Karsten as an indicator species of environmental changes in the Antarctic Kang SH;JS Kang
  56. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. v.129 Antarctic phytoplankton assemblage in the western Bransfield Strait region, February, 1993: composition, biomass, and mesoscale distributions Kang SH;SH Lee
  57. Nova Hedwigia v.106 Fragilriopsis cylindrus compared with other species of the diatom family Bacillariaceae in Antarctic marginal ice edge zones Kang SH;GA Fryxell;DL Roelke
  58. Korea J. Polar Res. v.4 Phytoplankton populations in the western Brans field Strait and the southern Drake Passage, Antarctica Kang SH;MS Suk;CS Chung;SY Nam;CY Kang
  59. Korea J. Polar Res. v.6 Antarctic phytoplankton in the eastern Bransfield Strait region and in the northwestern Weddell Sea marginal ice zone during austral summer Kang SH;DY Kim;JS Kang;MY Lee;SH Lee
  60. Korea J. Polar Res. v.8 Seasonal variation of environmental factors and nearshore microalgae in Marian Cove, King George Island, Antarctica Kang SH;JS Kang;KH Chung;MY Lee;BY Lee;H Chung;YD Kim;DY Kim
  61. Antarc. Sci. v.3 Ecological considerations of Antarctic ozone depletion Karentz D
  62. Ultraviolet Radiation and Biological Research in Antarcrica Antarcnx Research Senes 62 Ultraviolet tolerance mechanisms in Antarctic manne organisms Karentz D;Weiler CS(ed.);PA Penhale(ed.)
  63. J. Plan. Res. v.17 Response of a natural Phaeocystis population to ambient fluctuations of UVB radiation caused by Antarctic ozone depletion Karentz D;HJ Spero
  64. J. Phycol. v.27 Cell survival characteristics and molecular responses of Antarctic phytoplankton to ultraviolet-B radiation Karentz D;JE Cleaver;DL Mitchell
  65. Mar. Biol. v.108 Survey of mycosporine-like amino acid compounds in Antarctic marine organisms: Potential protection from ultraviolet exposure Karentz D;FS McEuen;MC Land;WC Dunlap
  66. J. Marine Systems v.4 Seasonal variation of algal growth conditions in sheltered Antarctic bays: the example of Potter Cove Kl$\"{o}$ser H;G Ferreyra;I Schloss;G Mercuri;F Laturnus;A Curtosi
  67. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. v.30 Inorganic nitrogen metabolism by Antarctic phytoplankton with special reference to ammonium cycling Koike I;O Holm-Hansen;DC Biggs
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  79. Polar Biol. v.21 Phytoplankton biomass and primary production in the marginal ice zone of the northwestern Weddell Sea during austral summer Park MK;SR Yang;SH Kang;KH Chung;JH Shim
  80. Hydrobiologia v.146 Seasonal variation in marine phytoplankton and ice algae at a shallow antarctic coastal site Perrin RA;P Lu;HJ Marchant
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