The Action Mode of $\beta$-glucosidase Purified from Trichoderma koningii

Trichoderma koningii에서 분리한 $\beta$-glucosidase의 작용양상

  • Published : 2000.03.01


We have examined the mode of transglycosylation, catalyzed by an extracellular $\beta$-glucosidase purified from Trichoderma koningii ATCC 26113, using cellobiose, sophorose, laminaribiose and gentiobiose as substrates. The dimers separated from the reaction mixture by HPLC were analyzed by $^(1)H$-NMR spectroscopy. When cellobiose was subjected to the action of the $\beta$-glucosidase, the products included laminaribiose, sophorose and gentiobiose. When laminaribiose, sophorose or gentiobiose was used as a substrate, the $\beta$-glucosidase accumulated transglycosylation products possessing different types of $\beta$-glycosidic linkages from the original one. The amount of dimers accumulated as reaction proceeded seemed to be dependent on the velocity of hydrolysis but not on that of formation.

Trichoderma koningii ATCC 26113에서 분비되는 효소인 $\beta$-glucosidase를 cellobiose, sophorose, laminaribiose 및 gentiobiose 등의 기질과 반응시킨 후 효소의 transglycosylation 반응 산물을 분석하였다. 각각의 기질로부터 생성된 이당체(dimer)들을 HPLC로 분리하고 $^(1)H$-NMR spectroscopy를 통하여 분석하였다. Cellobiose를 기질로 사용하여 효소와 반응시켰을 때 그 산물에는 laminaribiose, sophorose 및 gentiobiose가 포함되었음을 확인할 수 있었다. Laminaribiose, sophorose 및 gentiobiose를 기질로 사용하였을 경우에 효소는 transglycosylation 반응을 통하여 새로운 $\beta$-glycosidic 결합을 갖는 이당체들을 생성하였다. 효소반응에 의하여 누적되는 이당체의 양은 생성속도보다는 분해속도에 의하여 결정되는 것으로 나타났다.



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