Characteristic of Anthropometric Data and Biochemical Nutritional Status of Hypertensive Patients before Treatment

치료받기전 고혈압 환자의 신체계측치와 생화학적 영양상태 특성에 관한 연구

  • 손숙미 (가톨릭대학교 생활과학부 식품영양전공) ;
  • 허귀엽 (가톨릭대학교 생활과학부 식품영양전공)
  • Published : 2000.12.01


Nutrition related factors were investigated in one hundred and two hypertensive patients(Male : 44, female : 58) before they started drug treatment or diet therapy. The mean age of men and women were 49.9 and 53.5, respectively. Among the men, their mean SBP and DBP were 165.8 mmHg/108.4 mmHg. Fifty six point eight percent of men was classified as having in stage 3 hypertension(SBP $\geq$ 180 mmHg, or DBP $\geq$ 110 mmHg) and 45.5% was classified as having low renin hypertension (serum renin < 2.5 ng/ml/h). The proportion of overweight or obesity assessed by BMI($\geq$ 25) or body fat percent( $\geq$ 21%) was 47.7% or 80.9%, respectively. Men showed 19.1% of hypertriglyceridemia(serum TG $\geq$ 200 mg/dl), 42.6% of hypercholesterolemia(serum cholesterol $\geq$ 220 mg/dl), and 17.0% was observed as having serum cholesterol higher than 240 mg/dl. The proportion of men with high risk of cardiovascular disease was 72.3% assessed by atherogenic index( $\geq$3.4). The prevalence of drinking was 86.4% including a daily drinking proportion of 15.8%. Among women, their mean SBP and DBP were 162.6 mmHg/104.3 mmHg. Less women(43.1%) were classified as having stage 3 hypertension and more women were observed in low renin hypertension(55.1%). The prevalence of obesity or overweight assessed by BMI( $\geq$ 25) was 31.0% and 76.3% with body At percent($\geq$28%). Women revealed 24.1% of hypertriglyceridemia and 36.2% of hypercholesterolemia. The proportion of women who showed high risk of cardiovascular disease(atherogenic index $\geq$ 3.4) was 63.8%. The smoking rate was 8.6% and drinking rate was 43.1%.
