Use of Cultured Bioartificial Skins as in vitro Models for Cutaneous Toxicity Testing

생인공피부를 이용한 독성 반응 시험

  • Published : 2000.06.01


Cytotoxicity assays using artificial skins have been proposed as in vitro alternatives to minimize animal ocular and dermal irritation testing. Accordingly, the responses of artificial skins to the well-characterized chemical irritants toluene, glutaraldehyde, and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), and the nonirritant polyethylene glycol were studied. The evaluation of the irritating and non-irritating test chemicals was also compared with the responses observed in human dermal fibroblasts and human epidermal keratinocytes grown in a monolayer culture. The responses monitored included an MTT mitochondrial functionality assay. In order to better understand the local mechanisms involved in skin damage and repair, the production of several mitogenic proinflammatory mediators, interleukin-l$\alpha$, 12-HETE, and 15-HETE, was also investigated. Dose-dependent increases in the levels of かIn and the HETEs were observed in the underlying medium of the skin systems exposed to the two skin irritants, glutaraldehyde and SLS. The results of the present study show that both human artificial skins can be used as efficient in vitro testing models for the evaluation of skin toxicity and for screening contact skin irritancy.



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