A Simplified Estimation of Stress Intensity Factor on the Hertzian Contact

  • Jin, Songbo (The Graduate School, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Kim, Seock-Sam (School of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


A surface crack in a semi-infinite body under Hertzian contact was considered. The simplified method used to estimate stress intensity factor K for specimen was extended to the model which is chosen in this paper. Very satisfactory results are obtained comparing with those known and it is proved that the method is more convenient than other methods. The results of the analysis show that due to the presence of $K_I$ for unlubricated condition, mode I fracture is active in the field below the surface and the maximum $K_{I}$ is obtained when the trailing edge of Hertzian contact reaches a position over the crack. The magnitudes of stress intensity factors $K_I$ and $K_Il$ increase with increasing friction forces. For a surface crack perpendicular to the contact surface, the stress intensity factor $K_I$ reaches its maximum value at a depth very close to the surface. Driving forve fer crack initiation and propagation is $K_I$ for unlubricated condition and $K_Il$ for both fluid and boundary lubricated condition.n.
