남북한 생활문화의 이질화와 통합(IV) -탈북인의 남한생활 적응실태와 문제 -

South and North Korean Living Cultures : Their Differences and Integration(IV) -Social Adjustment Problems of North Korean Defectors-

  • 발행 : 2000.04.01


The purpose of the study was to provide ground information to develop social adjustment programs for North Korean residents who might migrate into South Korea when free transmigration is allowed in the process of reunification. For this purpose, two research methods were employed. First, depth interviews for 10 North Korean defectors were used to find out their social adjustment realities and problems. In addition, empirical survey research was carried out with 397 subjects to identify South Koreans'altitude toward North Korean defectors and the willingness to support them financially and emotionally. North Korean defectors's social adjustment problems were approached based on lifestyle. The depth interviews revealed that difficulties the defectors had experienced at first were mainly in the aspect of consumption caused by lack of understanding about capitalism. However, they could overcome difficulties and assimilate their ways of living to those of South Koreans soon. Other adjustment problems in family living and child rearing especially related with values had more complicated issues. Results of the empirical survey showed that South Koreans' level of interest in defecters was moderate but they thought them rather positively, sympathetically. Concerning supports, South Koreans were agreeing with governmental support more with emotional support than financial support by individuals. In conclusion, present formal education programs provided to defectors were not effective enough for them to team South Korean living culture. To learn by living with interactions with South Koreans was one of the best policies to help defectors' adaptation. Findings that South Koreans were willing to help them emotionally matched and balanced with defectors' needs.
