- 장애자를 위한 건축의 계획과 설계 박용환
- 장애인,노인,임산부 등의 편의증진에 관한 법률 시행규칙 보건복지부
- 장애인 편의시설 상세표준도 보건복지부
- 실내디자인 no.9 Paulsson, Jan.
- Building Regulations BBR 94 BOVERKET
- Bygg Ikapp Handikapp Svenk Byggtjanst och Handikappinstitutct
The objective of this study is to develop the evaluation checklist in the public interior spaces for the elderly and the Disabled people. The propriety and intensity of three architectural codes and two standards were examined by comparing with each other and the score was made according to the value. Findings revealed that Korean accessibility code had more mandatory items than others. The essential items to the handicapped's behaviour should be preserved, but less important things could be reconsidered. Also Korean code stressed the vertical moving equipments. But Swedish code had obligatory items in fire refugees facilities, and American code emphasized the corridor and sanitary facilities. Therefore, American and Swedish mandatory items and recommendations which were not addressed in Korean code and guidelines should be considered to apply to ours by investigating a user's problems and adaptation. This research can be used as a basic checklist for public spaces by users as well as guidelines of final design.