Real-time 3D Graphic Simulation of the Spent Fuel Rod Extracting Machine for Remote Monitoring

사용후핵연료봉 인출장치의 원격감시를 위한 실시간 3차원 그래픽 시뮬레이션

  • 송태길 (한국원자력연구소 사용후핵연료기술개발팀) ;
  • 이종열 (한국원자력연구소 사용후핵연료기술개발팀) ;
  • 김성현 (한국원자력연구소 사용후핵연료기술개발팀) ;
  • 윤지섭 (한국원자력연구소 사용후핵연료기술개발팀)
  • Published : 2000.12.01


The spent fuel rod extracting machine is automatically operated in high radioactive environment, so high reliability of operation is required. In this paper, to enhance the reliability of this machine by providing a close monitoring capability. a real time graphic simulation method is suggested. This method utilizes conventional IGRIP (Interactive Graphics Robot Instruction Program) 3D graphic simulation tool to visualize and simulate the 3D graphic model of this machine. Also, the dedicated protocol is defined for transmission of the operational data of the machine. The real time graphic simulation is realized by developing the socket module between a graphic workstation and a machine control computer through the TCP/IP network and by dividing the 3D graphic simulation GSL(Graphic Simulation Language) program as a small sized sub routine. The suggested method is implemented while automatically operating the rod extracting machine. The result of implementation shows that the real time 3D graphic simulation is well synchronized with the actual machine according to the operational data.



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  2. Proceeding of the DENEB User Group Conference Virtual Reality for Mobile Robot Control Haddox, D.;Clifford, S.;Ekdahl, D.;Tulenko, J. S.
  3. Proceeding of the DENEB User Group Conference Development, Experiments and Experience in Telerobotics and VR Using the TELEGRIP Software Salminen, M.;Tuokko, R.;Sulkanen, J.
  4. Proceeding of the DENEB User Group Conference The Use of Real-Time Computer Graphics to Assist Remote Reactor Inspection Bamaby, J. B.
  5. Proceeding of the IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Application Effective Teleoperation Over the World Wide Web Ferwon, A.;Plataniotis, K.
  6. 연구보고서 실증시설 가상현실 시뮬레이터 개발 정병화(외)
  7. IGRIP & LLTI User Manual and Tutorials Deneb
  8. 연구보고서 사용후 핵연료 원격장치취급개발 윤지섭(외)
  9. TCP/IP-Clerly Explained Losbin, P.