Current Status of the Characterization of the Rock Joint Surface

암반 절리 거칠기의 정량화에 대한 연구현황 분석

  • Published : 2000.12.01




  1. The Use of Fractal Geometry in a Joint Shear Model, Mechnics of Jointed and Faulted Rock Seidel, J. P.;Haberfield, C. M.
  2. Proc. Int. Symp. Rock Mech. Nancy Measurement of Large Scale Roughness of Rock Planes by Means of Profilograph and Geological Compassm, Rock fracture Feker, E.;Rengers, N.
  3. Engineering Geology v.7 Review of a New Shear Strength Criterion of Rock Joints Barton, N. R.
  4. Rock Mechanics v.119 no.1/2 The Shear Strength of Rock Joints in the Theory and Practice Barton, N.;Choubey, V.
  5. Int. J. Rock. Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. v.15 suggested Methods for the Quantitative Decription of Discontinuities in Rock Masses
  6. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. v.32 no.7 New Peak Shear Strength Criteria for Anisotropic Rock Joins Kulatilake, P. H. S. W.;Shou, g.;Huang, T. H.;Morgan, R. M.
  7. Am. Standards Assoc. Surface Roughness, Waviness and Lay, ASA B46.1
  8. Wear v.5 Characteristics of Surface Roughness Myers, N. O.
  9. Ph. D. Thesis. Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta Rock Slope Stability Krahn J.
  10. Wear v.13 A History of Research on Surface Texture Effects Moore D. F.
  11. Random Data Analysis and Measurement Procedures Bendat, J. S.;Piersol, A. G.
  12. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. v.15 Statistical representation of Joint Roughness Wu, T. H.;Ali, E. M.
  13. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering v.28 no.2 Towards and Under-standing of Joint Roughness Seidel, J. P.;Haberfield, C. M.
  14. Wear v.42 The Spatial Representation of Surface Roughness by Means of the Structure Functions, a Practical Alternative to Correlation Saylers, R. S.;Thomas, R. R.
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  16. symmetry: culture and science v.4 no.3 Fractal Surfaces : Measuement and Applications in the Earth Sciences Cox, B. L.;Wang, J. S. Y.
  17. Freeman, New York, NY THe Fractal Geometry of Nature Mandelbrot, B. B.
  18. Fractals in Physics Self-affine Fractal Sets, I:The Basic Fractal Dimensions Mandelbrot, B. B.;Pietronero, L.(ed.);Tosatti, E.(ed.)
  19. Bureau of Mines RI 9447 Estimation of Shear Strength using Fractals as a Measure of Rock Fracture Roughness McWilliams, P. C.;Kerkering, J. C.;Miller, S. M.
  20. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms v.14 Fractal Techniques and the Surface Roughness of Talus Slopes Andrie, R;Abrahams, A. D.
  21. Appl. Surface Sci. v.40 Fractal Based Characterization of Surface Texture Chesters, S.;Wen, H. Y.;Lundin, M.;Kasper, G.
  22. General systems Yearbook v.6 The Problem of Contiguity:An Appendix of Statistics of Deadly Quarrels Rechardson, L. F.
  23. STUK-YTO-TR138, STUC, Dec v.138 Characterization of the Rock Joint Surface, a Contribution to DECOVALEX II Task 3 - Constitutive Relationships of Rock Joints Vuopio, J. P Ⅱ, J.
  24. Pure and Applied Geophysics. v.131 no.1/2 Fractal Demension of Fault Systems in Japan:Fractal Structure in Rock Fracture Geometry at Various Scales Hirata, T.
  25. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fundamentals Rock Joints v.15 no.20 Fractal Geometry of Two-dimensional Fracture Networks at Yucca Mountain, Southwestern Nevada Barton, C. C.;Larsen, E.
  26. International Journal of Rock Mechanics, Meneralogical Science and Geomechanics Abstracts v.25 no.6 A Method to Chracterize Fracture Density and Connectivity through Fractal Geometry La Pointe, P. R.
  27. Pure and Applied Geophysics v.131 no.1/2 The Fractal Geometry of Interfaces and the Mulifractal Distribution of Dissipation in Fully Turbulent Flows Sreenivasan, K. R.;Prasad, R. R.;Meneveau, C.;Ramshankar, R.
  28. Journal of Geophysical Research v.92 no.B1 Fractal Geometry in the San Andreas Fault System Okuba, P. G.;Aki, K.
  29. Fractals, Form, Chance and dimension Mandelbrot, B. B.
  30. Nature v.308 Fractal Character of Fracture Surfaces of Metals Mendelbrot, B. B.;Passoja, D. E.;Paullay, A. J.
  31. A Comparison of Methods of Characterizing Fracture Surface Roughness, Fractured and Jointed Rock Masses Piggott, A. R.;Elsworth, D.
  32. Journal of Soil Science v.34 Multiscale Sources of Spatial Variation in Soil, I: The Application of Fractal Concepts to Nested Levels of Soil Variation Burrough, P. A.
  33. Journal of Soil Science v.34 Multiscale Sources of Spatial Variation in Soil, Ⅱ: A Non-Brownian Fractal Model and its Application in Soil Survey Burrough, P. A.
  34. Journal of Soil Science v.37 On the Fractal Dimensions of Some Trasient Soil Properties Armstrong, A. C.
  35. Journal of Geophysical Research v.93 no.B3 Aperture Correlation of a Fractal Fractrue Wang, J. S. Y.;Narasimhan, T. N.;Schoiz, C. H.
  36. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms v.17 The Fractal Properties of Topograpy: A Comparison of Methods Klinkenberg, B.;Goodchild, M. F.
  37. Measurement and Analysis of Random Data Bendat, J.S.;Piersol, A. G.
  38. Pure and Applied Geophysics v.131 no.1/2 Are Topographic Data Sets Fractal? Gilbert, L. E.
  39. Fractals and Chaos in Geology and Geophysics Turcotte, D. L.
  40. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science v.103 no.1 Surface Geometric Irregularity of Particulate Materials: The Factal Approach Avnir, D.;Farin. D.;Pfeifer, P.
  41. Mathematical Geology v.18 no.8 Fractal and Geometries of Caves Curl, R. L.
  42. Journal of Geophysical Research v.93 no.B4 Sandstone Fractal and Euclidean Pore Volume distributions Krohn, C. E.
  43. Journal of Geophysical Research v.93 no.B4 Fractal Measurements of Sandstones, Shales, and Carbonates Krohn, C. E.
  44. Theory, Soil Science of America Journal v.55 Fractal Fragmentation, Soil Porosity, and Soil Water Properties, I Rieu, M.;Sposito, G.
  45. Soil Science Society of America Journal v.55 Fractal Fragmentation, Soil Porosity, and Soil Water Properties, Ⅱ: Applications Rieu, M.;Sposito, G.
  46. Fractals and Chaos in Geology and Geophysics Turcotte, D. L.
  47. The Science of Fractal Images Peitgen, H. O.;Saupe, D.(eds.)
  48. Pure and Applied Geophysics v.131 no.1/2 Variations in Geometric Measures of Topographic Surfaces Underlained by Fractured Granitic Plutons Norton, D.;Sorenson, S.
  49. Pure and Applied Geophysics v.131 no.1/2 Fractal Sinuosity of Stream Channels Snow, R. S.
  50. Journal of Geophysical Research v.92 no.B1 Fractal Analysis Applied to Characteristic Segments of the San Andreas Fault Aviles, C. A.;Scholz, C. H.;Boatwright, J.
  51. Geophysical Research Letters v.14 no.11 A Note on the Description of Surface Roughness using Fractal Dimension Brown, S. R.
  52. Proceedings of the 30th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics Fractal Charcterization and Joint Surface Roughness in Welded Tuff at Yucca Mountain, Nevada Carr, J. R.;Khair, A. W.(ed.)
  53. Rock Mechnics:Contributions and challenges Rotterdam Ambiguities in Estimating Fractal dimensions of Rock Fracture Surfaces Miller, S. M.;McWilliams;P. C. Kerkering;J. C.;Hustrulid(ed.);Johnson(ed.)
  54. Materials Science and Engineering v.80 Fractals in Fractography Underwood, E. E.;Banerji, K.
  55. Scanning Microscopy v.3 no.1 Surface Studies of Calcium Oxalate Dihydrate Single Crystals during Dissolution in the Presence of Stone-former's Urine Akbarieh, M.;Tawashi, R.
  56. Power Technology v.46 The Description of Two-dimensional Rugged Boundaries in Fineparticle Science by Means of Fractal Dimensions Kaye, B. H.
  57. Pure and Applied Geophysics v.131 no.1/2 The Fractal Geometry of Interfaces and the Multifractal Distribution of dissipation in Fully Turbulent Flows Screenivasan, K. R.;Prasad, R. R.;Meneveau, C.;Ramshankar, R
  58. Journal of Meterials Research v.4 no.5 Photon Emission as a Probe of Chaotic Process Accompanying Fracture Langford, S. C.;Zhenyi, M.;Dickinson, J. T.
  59. Ultramicrosp. v.33 Practical Applications of Scanning tunnelling Microscopy Denley, D. R.
  60. Journal of Materials Science Letters v.7 Fractal Analysis of Fracture in Ocala Chert Mecholsky, J. J.;Mackin, t. J
  61. LBL Report #LBL-30853 Fractal Dimensions of Pores in Sedimentary Rocks and Relationship to Permeability Schueter, E. M.;Zimmerman, R. W.;Cook, N. G. W.;witherspoon, P. A.
  62. Scripta Metallurgica et Material v.24 A Study of the Slit Island Analysis as a Method for Measuring Fractal dimension of Fractured Surface Huang, Z. H.;Tian, J. F.;Wang, Z. G.
  63. Nature v.308 Fractal Character of Fracture Surfaces of Metals Mandelbrot, B. B.;Passoja, D. E.;Paullay, A. J.
  64. Journal of Materials Science Letters v.6 Fractal Characteristics of Fractrued Surfaces Pande, C. S.;Smith, S;Richards, L. R.
  65. Journal of geophysical Research v.90 no.B14 Broad Bandwidth Study of the Topography of Natural Rock Surfaces Brown, S. R.;Scholz, C. H.
  66. The Fractal Approach to Hetergeneous Chemistry Fractals and Geochemistry Burrough, P. A.;Avnir, D.(ed.)
  67. Physical Review Letters, 549120 Fractal Sandstone Pores: Implications for Conductivity and Pore Formation Katz, A. J.;Thompson, A. H.
  68. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. v.27 no.6 The Fractal Dimension as a Measure of the Roughness of Rock discontinuity Profiles Lee, Y. H.;Carr, J. R.;Barr. D. J.;Haas, C. J
  69. Proc., 28th U. S. Symp.on rock Mechanics Characterization of Rock Joint Surfaces by Fractal Dimension Turk, N.;Greg, M. J.;Drarman, W. R.;Amin, F. F.
  70. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & geomech. Abstr. v.27 no.5 Joint Roughness Measurement using Shadow Profilometry Maerz, N. H.;Franklin, J. A.;Bennett, C. P.
  71. Experimental Study on the Relation between Fractal Dimension and Shear Strength, Fractured and Jointed Rock Masses Wakabayashi, N.;Fukushige;Myer(ed.);Kook(ed.);Goodman(ed.)Tsang(ed.)
  72. Fractal Estimation of Joint Roughness Coefficients, Fractured and Jointed Rock Masses Xie, H.;Pariseau,W. G.;Myer(ed.);Cook(ed.);Goodman(ed.);Tsang(ed.)
  73. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci & Geomech. Abstr. v.16 no.5 Estimation Joint Roughness Coefficients Tse, R.;Cruden, D. M.
  74. Earthquake source Mechanics, Monography v.37 The Fractal geometry of Faults and Faulting Scholz, C. H.;Aviles. C. A.;Das, S. Boatwright, J.(ed.);Scholz, C. H.(ed.)
  75. Geophysical Research Letters v.14 no.11 A Note on the Description of Surface Roughness using Fractal Dimension Brown, S. R.
  76. 23rd U. S. Symp. on Rock Mech. Berkeley Effect of the Block Size on the Shear Behaviour of Jointed Rock Barton, N. R.;Bandis, S.
  77. PhD Dissertation The Design and Performance of Piles Socketed into Weak Rock Williams, A. F.