- Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems P.A.Bernstein(et al.)
- Proc. ACM SIGMOD RECORD Modern Client-Server DBMS Architectures A.Delis;N.Roussopouls
- Proc. VLDB Performance and Scalability of Client-Server Database Architectures A.Delis;N.Roussopouls
- Proc. VLDB A Study of three Alternative Workstation-Server Architectures for Object Oriented Database Systems D.Dewiff(et al.)
- Proc. ACM SIGMOD Crash Recovery in Client-Server EXODUS M.Franklin;M.Carey
- Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques Jim Gray;Andreas Reuter
- Computing Surveys Principles of Transaction-Oriented Database Recovery Theo Haerder;Andreas Reuter
- ACM A Recovery Algorithm for A High-Performance Memory-Resident Database System Tobin J. Lehman;Michael J. Carey
- Proc. VLDB Redo Recovery after System Crashes David Lomet;Mark Tuttle
- IEEE ICDE Persistent Applications Using Generalized Redo Recovery David Lomet
- Proc. ACM SIGMOD Efficient Transparent Application Recovery in Client-Server Information Systes David Lomet;Gerhard Weikum
- Proc. ACM TODS ARIES:A Transaction Recovery Method Supporting Fine-Granularity Locking and Partial Rollbacks Using Write-Ahead Logging C.Mohan;Don Haderle(et al.)
- Proc. ACM SIGMOD ARIES/CSA: A Method for Database Recovery in Client-Server Architectures C.Mohan;I.Narang
- The VLDB Journal Synchronization and recovery in a client-server storage system E.Panagos;A.Biliris
- Client-Based Logging for High Performance Distributed Architectures E.Panagos;A.Biliris;H.V.Jagadish;R.Restogi
- 한국정보과학회 추계학술발표논문집(A) v.22 no.2 최소화된 로그 입출력 비용을 갖는 빠른 회복 기법 유정준;김유성;배해영